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I am really having a hard time wondering why my ex gf who is pregnant with my child wants nothing to do with me and has asked for nc. I thought a gal who was pregnant would want her man around. There was no abuse or anything. In fact, the last fight we had was the only one we had where there were voices raised. We have been together about 13 months and she is 7 months pregnant. She said in her heart she knows I am going to leave her so I best do it now when she has time to prepare. What the hell?? I begged and pleaded to stay in the house we bought together but she told me to leave. It has now been almost 6 wks of lc and 8 days of nc. I am really sad and hurt because I wanted to be excited for the birth of my son.

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Why don't you not take no for an answer?


She sounds scared and nervous for the birth of her son and having you around as a father. Prove to her you can do it and you're there to stick around. Show her you want to be a part of your sons life and will continue to be even if you want to separate romantically.

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I totally agree. Prove to her you can do it and that you're being sincere about wanting to be in your son's life. Explain to her it's okay to be involved even if you want to be separate, and not a couple. She's most likely just scared right now and wants to try to be strong to prepare for your son's arrival, rather than having to deal with a breakup later on (since she said she feels like you're going to leave her, etc.)... you can't convince her you'll be together romantically forever, but you can try to get through to her that you're serious about being there for support for her and your son. goodluck

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Are you 100% that the baby is yours? Think of all avenues that would force her to push you away. Legally you will have rights to the baby as the father depending upon where you live. Check in to the laws so you know your rights as a parent.


I do agree with the others, if there is ever a time to prove yourself, now is the time to step up. Becoming a parent can be an exciting thing in a scary kind of way. Show her you will be there for your son without question. Now if she wants you to be a part of her life, show her your their for the duration.



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Well if she no longer wnats you is one thing, but you have a responsibility to the child.


I would try talking to her and sticking to the welfare of the baby to be. Nothing abou the two of you.


It must be difficult to have to deal with this.


Is their anything she said about ending the relationship, some hint of something wrong???


If she doesn't want to talk to you, then id follow wht RC said, you have legal rights as a father. Find out what they are, and put this relationship behind you. Focus on the baby.


be well,


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I have tried everything and she says I am causing her stress and putting pressure on her. She won't let me go to doc apointments anymore or birthing classes. She says she will contact me if appropriate. I have told her I am here for her and she says she needs to support herself and find other avenues of support. I contacted her dad and he says to take this time and get myself and my business in shape while she focuses on her pregnancy. I am at a complete loss. What are some ways to step up and show her?

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I have posted on here before. Basically we fought, I was angry, wrote a note saying I wanted to end it and stuck it in my pocket. She found it and wanted me to leave the house we bought together. She doesn't think I have been supportive enough and says in her heart she knows I am going to leave her and that this has to happen. All of my friends think this is crazy that she would cut me off like this.

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Maybe you should take her dads advice?


I mean she wants other avenues of support- thats not a bad thing.


Why don't you, instead of moping around and trying to reason with her, let go of it. No, not her, just this bizarre situation.


Continue to see her regularly- showing your support. But in the mean time, don't mope about it. You are the father, you have a right to be a part of the childs life. Get your business going, start helping buy baby stuff, etc. (If you do, continue on).


Take her out to dinner, try to woo her and on the side get your life in order and let her see that you're taking your responsibilities seriously.


Ofcourse she's acting crazy- she's pregnant!

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