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I dumped my boyfriend of 9.5 months(last week) becasue he was an a** and treated me like crap(used me, verbally abused me, almost cheated on me. SO whenI dumped him he seemed no to mind, and he told his friends right after I dumped him "Yea! She dumped me!". Well I did the retuning his stuff to him and I forgot one thing. So he emailed me today(on a website), just a small message "Bring this back or u owe me money" I tried to write back and then a message told me that he blocked me from emailing him. I dont get it, I dumped him, wouldnt u think that I would block him, he alos blocked me from chat. why would he do this to me when I dumped him? NOw I dont know how to give back his stuff unless I give it to a friend at school to give to him. Why did he block me, when I was the one dumped him. Why would I talk to him in the first place?

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Yea I tried , he would ignore it, that was one reason why I dumped him. To him it was like our relationship was all about him. Like I would buy and buy becasue he got fired from his job. If i didnt buy something he would say "Your so cheap" .But when if he had money, forget about it. The money all his and none for me. Other times he would be very rude to me and verbally put me down, even in school! So I just knew that our relationship wasnt going to last, even though I still loved him. Even my friends and family thought he was wrong for me. Do u think we would of worked anything out?

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Is this a gift that he gave you and you're trying to return it? Or is it some personal property of his? If it was a gift, it's very nice of you to try and return it, but you don't owe him jack sh*t.


If it's his personal property, well, if he had a brain in his head, he would open up some avenue of communication so you could arrange to get it back to him.


Have you thought of just leaving the item for him in the school office with his name on it? They will send him a note or something letting him know that it is there. That way you don't have to deal directly with him or have his friends having communication with you.


He's an a** so stay away from him at all costs. You don't want to get sucked back into that abusive relationship. You're way, way, way better off hon.

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