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Is This What They Call Love?

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I cant stop thinking about her. I met her about 3 months ago by my friend(girl) I am really close with. Well her and this friend happen to be best friends. So she happen to introduce me to her. She and I became good friends the first time we met. We laughed and had a great time. At first , I thought she was just 'another girl who wouldnt like me and I would just like her for awhile' types. Its kinda been more than awhile. She wold come to my church and we would sit and talk for awhile but whenever she left I wanted to talk more. Her just being there almost made my heart burst.

Even if we didnt talk I didnt care. I would glance up at her whenever I saw her walk by. I think she already knows I like her though and sometimes When it seems I flirt and tease her she seems to flirt and tease back....or maybe its just me. The best part about it is though is that all my friends support me. my friend always brings her whenever shes able to. I cant tell her I like her though yet. I still think she'd say something like lets just stay friends. and even if we stayed friends, the relationship would never be the same. I need to know what to do and am i in love with this girl?

(Please someone help me!)........I need more insight.

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hello joey,


I understand what you are going through. I have been in the same situation myself.


well....If u really love this girl, I think it would be better if you tell the girl how you feel about it. If this girl is not willing to accept you as a boy friend, just try to be friends.


I hope that will help you with your problem.


Good Luck



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O my god in heaven. You and I are the same my boy. Im in love with this girl, she goes to my church, I dream about her all day, I always want to talk to her. But check this out... I have gone deeper into than you have. This you may want to hear: There are probably things about her that you cant even begin to understand yet. Sorry to sound mean my boy, but its true. This girl I like, I thought she liked me hella too....true, but not totally. She also like this other guy and had before she even met me. Now, its totally complicated and I cant stop thinking about her. Love... omg its the worst and the best thing that will ever happen to you. Advice: go for it. find out all you can. tell her how you feel and find out how she feels about you. Believe me, you dont want to be where I am right now.... totally sucks. I cant eat or sleep. Just GO FOR IT. Better to begin or end it now than to be completely confused/crushed down the line. good luck pal. I can relate

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Hey There Joey !!!


I would like to answer the heading on your topic - Is This What You Call Love?


I believe that Love is a word that is overused nowadays. To love someone, you really have to know them as well as you know yourself. It's like the wonder years - you can "like you like you" someone and it may feel like love, but it's quite possible that it's not love, but a very very strong attraction.


I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with this girl - of course that's possible, but do you really know everything about her - enought to know that you do actually love her, or is it that what you've seen of her so far, and your attraction tells you that you love her?


Again, I say this because I believe that the "Love" word is so so so so overused in the world today, and it is starting to loose it's effect!! Hope you get to fall in love with her though !!


Good luck,


~ Charmed ~

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I had a similar experience also,i messed up my opportunity though.


If you got that feeling in your heart,the butterflies and nervousness etc...then yes,you probably are in love.


I would like to advise you,so that your opportunity to improve relations with this girl isn't wasted or destroyed through misuse. DO NOT TELL THIS GIRL HOW YOU FEEL ! The biggest mistake men make with women is when they pour their heart out to them. Do not ask her any questions about how she feels either...the key to success,is to make her wonder where she stands ! Actions speak louder than words. Look out for any touching,complimenting or intrusive questions from her...this is a clear sign she is interested romantically. If you start getting these,you know you're in the game. The occasion she does start doing these, i want you to refrain from touching her at all,until you pluck up enough courage to kiss her. I know going in for the kiss is easier for some than others...but it will tell you EVERYTHING about how she feels ! If she gives you cheek,or pulls back,forget about her ! If she responds enthusiastically,then congratulations. I know it is the hardest thing to kiss a girl, who's feelings you are unsure of and whom you are in love with, but just do it...because if she kisses you back,there are few greater feelings you will get, trust me.


Do not be afraid of rejection,be afraid that she doesn't reject another guy's advances because you never seized the moment. GOOD LUCK 8)

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I would have to agree with charmed on this one..... the feelings you are having are wonderful, but I don't think that they are "love" People tend to overuse the word love while mistaking it with infactuation or attraction. You will know when you are in love and there will be no question in your mind, as to whether it's love or not. For most to truley love someone you need to have almost an unexplainable connection. You know the person more than you know yourself and you feel like you could trust this person with your life. Love is a great thing but I don't think that you are to the point of love yet. Imagine how you feel now and multiply that by 10 and those are the feelings of love. Just continue to get to know this girl and in time you may fall in love but for now I think it is pure and simple infactuation. Enjoy and Good Luck!!!!

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Charmed makes a good point, but even if you might not truly love this girl yet, I still think you should go for it. You two might have something special. I've had a crush on many girls in the past and I've always been too afraid to ask them out because I was unsure of how they felt. Recently, I became really good friends with this girl and as we grew closer, I started to develop feelings for her. I was confused just as you are right now. I also came to this site to ask what I should do lol. After thinking it over, I called her up and confessed my feelings to her over the phone. The next day was a little awkward but we soon became even closer. Remember, it doesn't matter how you show your feelings to this girl because if she likes you, she will appreciate your honesty and bravery. Besides, what is the point in loving someone if you are never going to tell them. Never know till you try! Good Luck

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