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Friend is neglectful to me. How do I tell her without insulting her? Plz help (long)

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A little history first. Me and this girl have been friends for 5 years and I tell her everything. She is a really good friend. When we first met we talked all the time. Then we ended up disappearing from eachother only to meet up 2 years later. We disappeared from eachother after a while and in 2004 we met up again in school. She invited me to hang out with her and Jessie when we reunited. Early 2005 me and her were invited to see a movie by a large group of her friends.


The problem? Those are the only 2 times I was actually invited to hang out. She seems to be neglecting me outside of school for what ever reason. She says she doesn't have a lot of free time on her hands, but she refuses to invite me anywhere. And when ever I invite her to hang out she is busy. She went to see numerous movies at the mall with our friends and not once was I invited. I want to tell her about how neglected I feel and that it seems like I'm more of an aquaintance than a friend to her. But I don't know how to say it without making her feel like a bad person or a bad friend. Can someone help me out with this?

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Have you spoke to her about this? Why don't you invite her out and say that you would like to spend some time with her, say you need to talk to her about it.


Have you fallen out over something?


Ring her up and ask her if she fancies a day out .. like shopping or the movies or something .. just mention you feel a bit left out that you want to know if you have done something you offend her (even if you haven't)


Good luck!

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