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Lonely, Will I ever find someone?

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Hello everyone. As many of you know the love of my life broke up with me in September and I've been struggling with NC. I got in a new relationship in january but that was the bigegst mistake, so we broke up. After reading "Its called a breakup because it's broken" I've decided to take their advice and attempt NC for 60 days! I spoke to my ex a few days ago and I feel pitiful because I still have very strong feelings for him. He told me we should see eachother this weekend but I decided not to. I feel very alone and miss having the companionship of someone. Everyone I meet is crap and it seems like no one is serious these days. I try soo hard to get over him, but it is rough. My Valentine's Day was worse because the person who was supposed to take me out flopped on me too. Will I ever find someone? Sigh...

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Hang in there honey, it always comes when you're not looking for it. Work, study, talk to friends...anything to take your mind off of being alone. I'm going through a so-called "break" and I find that keeping myself busy helps get me through the lonliness. Allow yourself a little hope now and again also.

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Cap, in the same boat as you...Screwed up and lost the most special person...The one I love more than anyone in the world... Since then have done LC/NC and everything in between and nothing changed with her...


I have been out dating but really have not found anyone, just going out to go out, so I have put myslef on the shelf for awhile...She has moved on to her 2nd b/f since the break up almost 8 months ago...


I have gone through every emotion along the way and have looked into myself and have taken care of me. To say I still don't hurt would be a lie...


Don't let it get you down, it's not worth it...


Things will get better, I can't say when but they will for both of us...

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I know how you feel capricorn85. The one person I loved for seven years, and still love, decided to end it in October. The holidays were awful and so was valentines day. Basically, everything right now is a struggle.


Daregveda is right. I have been burying myself in school work and school related research. But once in a while I find myself thinking about her and it's natural, we're human. School has been tough not only for what I'm pursuing ut because of the break up.


"It comes when you least expect","it always comes when you're not looking for it", "when you least expect it she'll come along", I hear this all the time and I hope it's true. It's nice to hear it.


I want to find someone to fill the void in my heart. It would be nice if the ex came back but the chances of that are small so I hope someone comes along and takes the spot she held in my heart for seven years.


Keep your head up, we will get through this. we need time and we need to be patient.

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