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Reflections which make you "grow" as a person?

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Hey out there, didn't know where to throw this post, but I see it as a personal growth thing here by I mean: "A thing which makes your understanding of certain situations and actions greater, and helps you to dwell upon you thougths before doing anything.".


I want this thread to be a discussion or telling by other members upon what they have learnt above love and their actions, which have lead to things. U can say I want it to be seen as: "I did this, which lead to that, and now I know that this wouldn't be an act or thing I would do in the future, because I know the outcome didn't fulfill my wishes".


I want to start off with my own telling and experience on the love area, as a person i'm a caring person who wants my girl to be treated right, and on the other hand I dislike having 1 night stands etc, which means that before I go into a relationship I want to know much a bout a person etc.


This has so far in my life not lead to many relationships because i'm choosy; picky; whatsoever, but i've learned somethins, which has made me act in different ways in life (I could tell u stories about it, but I don't want to make the post too long):


- If a person asks for a break it's because something is wrong and they need to think about the situation, and two things related to this: 1. My experiences are they lead to that u wont be together again 2. Don't be pushy or wanting to talk things through, because they have already made up their mind.


- If a person acts strange and isn'tthe person u usually is around, then something is wrong, if they don't want to talk about it, and u got an idea about what it is, then oftenly it's things which could hurt you.


- Never go back or want back a person who has hurted you, this will only lead to more pain in the future. Even though u might think there will be a slight opportuntity upon their actions towards u this is less likely a fact.


- Don't just go into relationships because u don't like to be alone, u will just hurt the person u are with, which isn't the idea of making yourself happy.


- Be there for the ones you love, and do not hesitate to set the health and happiness for other persons upon your own. Don't be egoistic, be the one who wants to make a difference out there.


- Care for your family, visit your grandparents and family (if u got them), because they have been the persons who has raisen you and made you the person you are. Like they say "U don't know what u had till it's gone", like they say with people dumping another person.


- Don't go on compromise with your personality, just do the things u want to do and not the things u ougth to do. Don't take a certain education if u don't like it, don't take a job just because it gives money. Do the things which makes u happy and the things u can see yourself be doing in the future.


I could go on, but would like your inputs as well, if you disagree with me, then feel free to give your inputs on this matter


Yours sincerely and hoping for a nice thread



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- Never go back or want back a person who has hurted you, this will only lead to more pain in the future. Even though u might think there will be a slight opportuntity upon their actions towards u this is less likely a fact.



- Don't go on compromise with your personality, just do the things u want to do and not the things u ougth to do. Don't take a certain education if u don't like it, don't take a job just because it gives money. Do the things which makes u happy and the things u can see yourself be doing in the future.




First off id like to say those two I totally agree with expecially the second one! okay so here are a couple.


- Never hide your feelings. for your feelings are apart of who you are.


- Never stay with someone who you know has cheated on you.


-Never leave the one you love for the one you like, for the one you like will leave you for the one they love.

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- Never hide your feelings. for your feelings are apart of who you are.


- Never stay with someone who you know has cheated on you.


-Never leave the one you love for the one you like, for the one you like will leave you for the one they love.


So nice, I totally agree, how about:


- If problems arise in the relationship then confront the person, because if you don't then the thing will just develop further.

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- If the relationship is one-sided and one person is doing all the "giving," it'll eventually crash to the ground. Relationships have to be 50/50 in the effort in order to succeed.


- If your partner says that they don't 100% love you anymore or that their feelings are fading, then there is nothing you can do to make them love you the same again. It's best to let go and not to settle for less than 100%.


- It's impossible to be friends if there are deeper feelings involved by one or both parties.


- Love the person who loves you.

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-Don't sacrifice your dreams and ambitions if the other person can't accept them. Been there, done that already. Big mistake on my part.


-Don't rush into marriage until you have your priorities straight. For instance if you're both in school, wait until you finish school and get jobs. If you're really in love and it's meant to be, there's no rush for marriage.


-Never settle for second best. Always expect the best.


-Don't give up in a relationship too easily. Sometimes things get rough and sometimes things don't always go your way. Atleast try to work through it and if they don't work, you atleast tried.

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I never have had a relationship, but here's what I've learned:


-love yourself first. It is not a good idea to search for love, when you are desperate, you will only push people away. Be yourself, first.


And that's what I'm concentrating on now. Relationships can wait.

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I never have had a relationship, but here's what I've learned:


-love yourself first. It is not a good idea to search for love, when you are desperate, you will only push people away. Be yourself, first.


And that's what I'm concentrating on now. Relationships can wait.


So cool man I like that one, and me myself was single till the age of 18, so I can follow u 100%


- Do not search or hunt love, it will find you if you just relax and act as you would normal do


- Take some chances in life, those who takes the chances are those who succed the most


- Don't ever judge a person by the looks or colour


- Treat others as u want them to treat u




- Be understanding and be there for thé one you love - listen and try to fulfill her every needs.

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-Don't sacrifice your dreams and ambitions if the other person can't accept them. Been there, done that already. Big mistake on my part.



Did that too in order to stay close to her, which wasn't a good idea


- Don't try to win love or makeup for mistakes by materalistic means, hence do not give gifts, becuse you want to make her feel special, only on special occasions, not just because the relationship is falling apart.

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It seems a lot of anguish, anxiety and in general, wasted energy, goes into worrying and attempting to change who or what we truly are in an attempt to be what we think we should be. I'm not talking about self-improvement but rather how people often limit themselves by trying to become someone they are not, whether that's by pursuing the career they believe they should want or trying to be in the relationship with the person that they think they should have. We don't always know what's best for us, so perhaps it comes down to the pithy discernment prayer (I wouldn't describe myself as a religious person but I don't sneer at good advice when I see it):



Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.


God or not, it is indeed a good gift to have, and it would save many people a great deal of grief (certainly me) for the remainder of their lives.

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