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Mixed signals..


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Well, It's kinda hard determining what exactly you are asking here.


I'd have to say that if she told her mom that she was gonna go with you then maybe she is going to confront you about it soon? I know you said she didnt give you a straightforward answer when you asked her, but maybe she was unsure at the time. You could also talk to her about it...its the only way to absolutely know for sure.

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Sure sounds like she's no good. You don't want a woman who plays games with you and whose games frustrate you like this...


Looking for a good way to solve this? First of all, don't ask her, tell her you're tired of the games and you're just going to ask someone else to the prom. Don't leave your happiness and sanity in the hands of this flake...

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But calling her out on her aloofness, or game, is that not a bad idea? Makes me look desperate?

edit: if I ask her again tomorrow, and she gives same answer, im just going to walk away and tell her to forgot everything, cause then I know she's just playing around...good idea?


This is what you say, write this down.

Girl you like, I'm kind of confused about whether we are going to the prom. You didn't give me a straight answer, so I didn't think we were going together. But your mom has told my mom that we are going. So are we going? Yes or No? Because if we aren't, I want to make alternate plans.


There you go. Clear and concise and it tells this girl: give me a straight answer or I'm leaving you in the dust.

My instincts tell me she's playing it cool. But you should have a discussion with her that you feel she is sending you mixed signals. Give her specific examples and then say, we need to work on this.

Good luck.

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Well, I edited out my stuff like a aways do..covering any tracks. Up to let those that helped me out know how it went, I called her, and she didnt pick up. 45 minutes later I get a text that says the date I told her looked good, and that she looks forward to going. Out of the blue. I talked to her Friday and didnt even mention it. Thats how it went....will accually talk to her tomorrow as ive been at friends house all night.

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Well, I edited out my stuff like a aways do..covering any tracks. Up to let those that helped me out know how it went, I called her, and she didnt pick up. 45 minutes later I get a text that says the date I told her looked good, and that she looks forward to going. Out of the blue. I talked to her Friday and didnt even mention it. Thats how it went....will accually talk to her tomorrow as ive been at friends house all night.


Well, albeit a little unconventional, it still sounds good man...


No need to cover your tracks here, is there?

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