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another rant. just to clear my head. get my emotions out. im not supposed to be on the forums or on the computer. im staying off. just wanted to take some time and write it out.


want to be better. want to feel better. want to help myself. no longer okay with bad things. no longer okay with bad ppl. need to love myself. need to care for myself. tired of banging my head against a brick wall. tired of bleeding. going to stay away. going to love myself more. not okay with this. gross. bleh. yuck. angry. sadness. frustration. guilt. dismay. hurt. fear. frustration. mind blocks. termination. louse. lease. not. no. interested. no. bad. alcohol. bad. no good. nothing to offer. not for me. dont like. dont want. dont seek.


need to get away. run run run.

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Now that you have identified your feelings, you will have a better chance of finding out how to go about feeling better about yourself. It takes time, but you have realised that you can't go on being unhappy.


The best thing to start with is to do something positive for yourself or say something positive to yourself. Instead of looking in the mirror and saying "I don't like my nose", think "Gee, my eyes look really sexy today!".


No one EVER feels completely happy with themselves... there is always something to compromise the way a person feels... and there are always going to be hardships... but that's not all there is to life. Life is all about learning and experiencing as much as you can... it is a short timeframe when you think about it so do what makes you happy and don't worry about what other people think of you. Be happy for who you are - a talented person who contributes to our society

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