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I just met a girl about a week and a half ago. After like 4 days we were both saying we liked each other, although I wasn't really sure. I had liked my exgf for a long time, on a really deep level. Then one day the new girl visited me and I felt like I really liked her a lot. Then later that night I went out with my exgf and we had a great time except that I inferred at the end that she didn't like me. So then I went out with the new girl spontaneously and stuff happened (sunday). Then we talked a lot, then more stuff happened today (tuesday). I mean we haven't even kissed yet. But then today I told my exgf about the new girl and I being somewhat official (I think we are) and she said that she liked me and was jealous. Then we talked on the phone for like an hour and we both realized we still liked each other a lot, more than our current bf and gf. But that we don't know if we can hurt them. But we both think it would work for sure. I don't know what to do. The exgf was the only relationship I had before the new one, so I don't have much experience. And I've never had two girls like me at the same time before and felt like I had feelings for both, even though I know I like the ex on a deeper level.


Also what makes it way worse is my gf is accusing me of liking the ex over and over and I keep saying I don't. And she's being really mean to my exgf.


My exgf and I agreed to reassess on tuesday, since I will see my gf more before then and she will see her bf and we will get a better idea.


Ahhh, I don't know what to do. Either way I'm not being fair to my ex, my gf, or I and any combination...


PS I just asked my gf if she "thinks this will work in the longterm or is it just a fling" and she said yes, she thinks months or years....

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HmMMmm, tricky situation!

First of all, what happened between your ex and yourself that ended things? IF you are to choose her, you should only get back together if you are sure that any and all problems that occurred last time, can be resolved this time. Often when people get back together, they're "sure it will work this time", but they find after a week they're fighting and back to square one.


If you really like the new girl, personally I'd say you should continue to see where things go with her... getting back together with an ex is generally an icky process. I say generally, because I don't truly know you or your ex, or what happened between you two in the past. I do know though, if you and your ex still have feelings for eachother, it just shows you weren't completely over eachother last time. It's very hard [if not impossible!] to remain just friends and nothing more than friends, after a relationship ends. Often two people can think they've mastered it, but then they end up where you are now...


I'd like to see what other people think about your situation. Either way, I hope you are able to make your decision quickly, or else you may lose both girls...

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