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A few questions about BJs

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Sorry for being so blunt, but I have looked over many pages on the internet and searched this fourm, but I haven't been able to find direct answers to my questions.


1) How much (amount?) does the average male cum?

2) How can u tell before he cums?

3)What is it like when he cums? (warnings?hints/tips?etc...)


Thank you everyone!

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Sorry for being so blunt, but I have looked over many pages on the internet and searched this fourm, but I haven't been able to find direct answers to my questions.


1) How much (amount?) does the average male cum?

2) How can u tell before he cums?

3)What is it like when he cums? (warnings?hints/tips?etc...)


Thank you everyone!

1) Usually not very much, though sometimes it seems like a lot when you are in the wet spot, or swallowing it! I would say a tablespoon or so, but this varies too per male, how much he has saved up, and so forth.


2) Hmm..well generally you can tell as they will sound like it...and seem more "focused" - but I notice that the penis tends to get "harder" and more rigid right before an orgasm...after a couple times you really kind of "know". Some of them will be pleased to vocalize they are beforehand....


3) Again not sure how to describe....it comes out in "spurts" or pulses. I can't say I have any warnings...some people don't like the taste, others don't mind it...it's really individual. I like holding him in my mouth until he is done, giving some gentle kisses and licks and then letting it be (at least for a tiny bit as we move on to other things..).


P.S. Sorry for being so descriptive..lol.

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1) it depends on when he masturbated the last time, the longer he waits, the more he'll cum.

2) I'm not sure about that But I think you can feel our muscles..

3)What do you mean what is it like? It feels good


Edit: After I read RayKay's post, I feel mine looks so little next to hers And, wow. That was really.."descriptive"..lol

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1) it depends on when he masturbated the last time, the longer he waits, the more he'll cum.

2) I'm not sure about that But I think you can feel our muscles..

3)What do you mean what is it like? It feels good


Edit: After I read RayKay's post, I feel mine looks so little next to hers And, wow. That was really.."descriptive"..lol


LOL, in a contest Legend, "yours would be bigger"


I know, I felt kind of naughty writing it....

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In answer to question one, the average amount of ejaculate is 10cc (as in the name of the band!). Of course that is just the average and it will depend, as another poster said, on how recently he has ejaculated.


For those not up to par on the "cc" system...that's 2 teaspoons/10 ml. Not very much at all. So hows does it make such a mess...

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I just learned that ejaculate travels at 25 mph, and a man will ejaculate 30-40 quarts of semen in their lifetime (that could make a LOT of babies!).




There is a show on now called "Penis Dementia" about well, the penis, and the mentality around it. Good timing

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I think I suffer from that...


Wow 25mph... no wonder it hits the wall like that...




It was a pretty hilarious show...followed by some show called "Stacked Like Me" all about very large breasts.


So that was my V-Day folks..."research" for you folks here. But the bf is back in town and we are going out tonight...I already got my lovely bouquet of pink, yellow & red roses delivered today at work

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Sorry for being so blunt, but I have looked over many pages on the internet and searched this fourm, but I haven't been able to find direct answers to my questions.


1) How much (amount?) does the average male cum?

2) How can u tell before he cums?

3)What is it like when he cums? (warnings?hints/tips?etc...)


Thank you everyone!


to number 2 my ex boyfriend told me that before he would cum his balls would shrivel up.. whitch is kinda nasty..

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