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I agree the vaseline is better than nothing. I have also used a lip treatment, such as chapsticks, or carmex , that is quite soothing, around the nose and skin area that is red from wiping and blowing nose so regularly. It Was kind of ironic that I ran accross your post, because I too have been sneezing all day today and yesterday, seems almost endlessly. Then I get the runny nose after all the sneezing, and itching eyes as well. Its possible its just a touch of the common cold. Also possible is that you and I are allergic to something. How long have you had the sneezing and runny nose? Does it come and go on a regular basis, maybe with certain seasons of the year , or with contact from cats ? Sometimes, molds and mildews in damp environments can cause allergic reactions as well.

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Just be sure if you use a chapstick or lip treatment for your red raw nose , to use separate ones for the lips and nose area. The point being, not to spread germs further , by going from lips to nose, or nose to lips ,with the same chapstick. And dont share any chapsticks, ointments or topical medicines with any other people, to avoid spreading any cold viruses. Sounds like yours may not be a cold and just allergy. Hard to tell until you see the doctor. Might be something in your home that you are allergic to. Do you have a new animal, cat, or anything? Are any of the conditions in your home, dry and dusty, or on the other hand, damp or mildewy? Have any new flowers or plants been brought in to the house ? Using any new perfumes, colognes or body sprays? Be sure any heating or air conditioning filters are clean and not dusty and changed regularly if this applies to you. Have you had any new rugs or carpeting put in your home? These are just some questions I am throwing out there to ponder.

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Just checking to see if you are feeling any better. I am much worse today. I think mine tends to lean more toward a cold. The coughing is horrible, my throats is dry, irritated and scratchy, constant sneezing, and runny nose, and just general body aches and pains. Seems everyone around here has the " cruds " as they call it sometimes. Hope you are feeling better yourself.

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