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yikes! Question about appearing to 'easy'

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ok guys, its nearly 2am and i still cant sleep. I have something on my mind thats really bothering me. Theres this guy i like, i want to see him tomorrow, however he lives nearly 1hr away. He doesnt have a car anymore due to a big accident, so he cant come to me, he has gone out of his way twice for me. Now i was wondering if i should drive up to see him. would i be wasting my time? should i wait til he comes to see me? would i look desperate or easy of i go to him instead of him coming to me??

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Ok, so there is a guy you like who for some reason cannot come see you? And you believe it will look trashy if you pick up the phone, call and see if it's okay to visit? WHERE did you meet this guy? If he's an internet connection, chances are higher he's sexually promiscuous and using the web to find sex! thereforeeee your fears may be well-grounded. But don't you know the power of refraining from a casual fling? My take would be to call and see how he feels about a visit. If you get a lot of negatives don't go. His friend may be his gf, and maybe he's roo embarrassed to fess up. Play it cool,but don't grow icicles!

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If he's an internet connection, chances are higher he's sexually promiscuous and using the web to find sex! thereforeeee your fears may be well-grounded. But don't you know the power of refraining from a casual fling? My take would be to call and see how he feels about a visit. If you get a lot of negatives don't go. His friend may be his gf, and maybe he's roo embarrassed to fess up. Play it cool,but don't grow icicles!


Wow, this one takes the cake. If a guy has an internet connection, chances are he's using the web for sex? And chances are that girl is his girlfriend? Paranoid are we? Geez!

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