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so theres a girl i just met recently. we got along well and a couple days later shared a couple of kisses. i really like this girl and hope to start a relationship.


so i was wondering, what do i get her for valentines day??? im thinking a flower and chocolates. anything else that all you females out there like??? i just want to get her something that will show her that im serious.


thanks for any help.



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Flowers never hurt. How about asking her what she wants before hand? And show up with the flowers anyway.

Making a girl dinner is a welcome domestic display that make women automatically think "long term" - if you can't cook, get some decent take-out but use a decent place setting and dinnerware (ie: don't serve it in the container!).

My b/f when I was 17 did the dinner thing - and I still remember what he made for dinner to this day!

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