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Love, can you tell me what is the point?

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What is the point of love? Can you answer my question?


Let's look at the facts. Suppose we are a species that has evolved from some earlier primate. Our brains and our bodies have developed to create a stronger being. We have developed tools and technology to aid in our lives. Yet I wonder, why did the emotion love devolve? What is the point?


So much pain, suffering and mistakes have been caused by this emotion. It is very akin to a bad drug trip. It severely affects our judgment and our logic. How many times have people killed themselves or others in the name of love? Is love not a plight upon our species? A disease in need of a cure?


We all dabble in this dangerous game and we all eventually come up as losers at one time or another. Why do we subject ourselves to this pain? Humans naturally have a survivalist instinct; we are strongly influenced by the instinct of self-preservation. Yet we willing participate in an activity and emotion that can be extremely self-destructive. In fact we are encouraged to pursue this emotion. Strange?


Look at the odds, if someone offered you a choice. A 99% at winning 10,000 dollars, or a 1% at winning 1,000,000 dollars, which one would you chose? If you're smart and play the odds you will obviously go for the first choice. Most people would. Love is very much like this. The chances of finding a successful loving relationship where you don't get hurt is extremely slim. So why do we take the bad gamble? Why is this action encouraged?


I have my answer, what is yours? Can you tell me?

Love, what is the point?

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Well not to avoid the question...

In science today there is still a strong dualistic viewpoint (where the body is distinct and separate from the ethereal soul, mind, etc.)

In many ways, I tend to agree. So, for me love, being an emotion was not a process of evolution in regards to survival.

Love to me is a controllable feeling that is different for each person, which is why every great philosopher has a different definition for it.

Why do I do it? I love the connection to others, regardless out outcome.

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Ah So love is connected to the soul? An extension if you may. Interesting viewpoint. Science also shows love to be a mere chemical reaction. Endorphins and other such chemicals (I won't pretend to be a biologist) however it has been shown that these chemicals are largely responsible for the feelings of love. So it could be said that 'love' is an evolutionary development.


I enjoy the connection I feel to others as well, is love and the emotions and pain that are attached to it, necessary though?

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I do not think at this point in time emotion has actually been measured scientifically. There are chemical reactions that are associated with the feelings of love, but no clear connections can consistently be made, ...i.e exercise shows an increase in the same chemicals.

thereforeeeeee, I would still have to say it's not evolutionary as in the growth of our bodies for survival. (again dualistic)

I think each of us evolves in the way we respond simply through teaching and experience, but the reality it our "bad decisions" do not change from generation to generation. To me this indicates that there has been no evolution based on need or exposure. Which is the basic principle of evolution.

Is the pain necessary? I recall you saying before that you are in control of your own emotions...did you not?

p.s. this is great thank you!

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Well, love for me is a feeling that makes you ignore your other senses and start doing foolish things. You start watching the person you are in love with differently, and you only see her; no matter what other people say or tell you. You don't think in anything.

It is like a drug. You become addicted.


However, life would be boring withouth it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Love......im in love now and i know it may not last forever so you should expect the pain of lose when you first get into a relationship unless your getting married then the chances or breaking up are alot slimmer than if your just dating. Look at this though........if you are in love its the best feeling in the world knowing that someone actually loves you besides one of your family members or something like that. but then the pain that comes when you lose them is like no other pain on this earth nobody likes it and nobody wants to feel it. all i can say is that if your in love hope it lasts forever.

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Look at the odds, if someone offered you a choice. A 99% at winning 10,000 dollars, or a 1% at winning 1,000,000 dollars, which one would you chose? - be careful here my man!!. I think this is to underestimate the quality of love. Of course I'd go for the 99% of winning $10,000 but if it's love I'm after, I'd go for the 1% (nothing else works). Some people say it's both sides bringing the best out in each other. I'm thinking I'll find out what it is when I find it - it's clearly not the conventional view (as you say it ends in tears and emptiness - so it must be something better. A bit like faith, really, and hope but I suspect better.

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So your willing to place faith in something you cannot see? Further more, there is no reason for it. I can understand why some people would place faith in God. The idea that some magical force making everything make sense is very comforting. It also answers a lot of our questions about death and the afterlife. I wonder though what purpose does love serve?


How many times have we acted stupidly in the name of love? Troy was burned to the ground over love. Romeo and Juliet, Weathering heights, Ghost, to name a few stories (both fictional and true). Love is akin to a sickness no? Doesn't it cloud our judgment, blind our insights and causes us to act irrationally? But you say it is very pleasurable. Well so are drugs, they are very enjoyable yet not accepted. (at least legally).


Love causes us to be attached to this world. Attached to impermanent things, things that will die, leave us, or simply cease to exist. This causes us suffering. Why not turn that energy into something else? Into positive self-development. Imagine the many great things you could do if you took all the energy you use on love and put it towards something useful? Just a thought. What do you think?

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  • 9 months later...

i'm beginning to realise there's a difference between love and lust. i agree Hollywood love, or Western romanticised love might be a bit pants, but love in the truest sense, well it can be akin to God (Herman Hesse says so in "Siddartha"! It's down to words, and we're crap at it

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