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->What Things Should I Buy For My LovedOne<-

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My Girlfriend wants to take a break because she says she

feels trapped and stuck like she cant do anything i dont want

that cause i love her so much. Yes we have alot of problems

that attend to make us argue but it hasnt got to that point

cause i want to show her a good time...But now its been about

6 days i havent seen her and i felt like getting her something

so she can know that im still here and love her as much.


I was thinking about getting her a couple of roses and a written

poem for her...or is there anything else that would make this a

good thing to get. She says she doesnt think i LOVE her and i do

she doesnt believe me...what should i do! I miss her so much!

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hello to you, sorry to hear about you and your girl...

I think sending her something is nice, but no more than a "faceless" gift...meaning don't call, don't email.

The best you can do is give her the space she has asked for.

At this point its her that has wandered away, I think its her that should make the effort if she want's you back!

best of luck and hang in there!

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Thanks for the response!


What im going to do is show up at her house and leave

the items on her front porch and then leave...that way when

she finds it she will in the surprised mode....she will have more

to think about which i think is a good thing...so she will know

that i was in the area unexpected.

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