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I have given up......(anybody else ever felt like this?! ever??)


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](*,)Not trying to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, not trying to sound too pessimistic.....I have given up on men. I meet jerks, weirdos,liers(especially) and the list goes on. This is just too much for me to handle at my age (22) I know that deep down there a few "good" men left but for me as i see it, there are none. SO I am going on with my life without even thinking twice about men.



**not really sure If I mean that**

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Oh how this thread reminds me of a former self...


I used to be just like most of the posters. Had 2 negative experiences with women and then decided that I would never meet a proper girlfriend who would have sexual relations with me etc.


I was at my lowest point and I quite literally did give up. I decided that women should be ignored and thats what I did - ignore them.


I started drinking and clubbing with a friend of mine and eventually some other people started coming with us (2 of them female). Suddenly one of the girls told me that her friend liked me. By the end of the week we were in a decent sexual relationship and we've been together ever since (Now almost 1.5 years!!!).


It just goes to show that when you least expect it love really can happen.


I'll also say here that I was suicidal because I was so lonely. I felt sorry for myself a lot of the time and had a very negative attitude towards life. I was one of those "Nice guys" that the original thread starter posted about. I was too shy to even speak to women and I had been rejected many times. So many that it was destroying me inside.


Now I am happy with this woman and I've learnt alot about women in general including understanding their body language etc and recognising attraction signs. (Turns out my current GF thought I was with someone when she liked me as I never responded in a friendly manner towards her - Wonder how manny other women thought the same!)


Things can change much quicker than you realise so delay your plans to meet someone sure. Don't give up totally though.



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Tracy I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




all my boyfriends have been total jerks... my last "serious" relationship, the guy turned out to be a pathological liar, and he wasn't even good at it. Most of my boyfriends have just been cheaters.


Yeah I totally gave up for a while, was single by choice for a long time because I figured, hey, if I keep having bad relationships, what's the point in having one?

But somehow I always get suckered back in.. I am just starting to date someone now, he seems nice so far but I'm half expecting it to blow up in my face yet again


I don't know if I should give up or not


p.s. we're the same age ithink? i'm 22.

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all my boyfriends have been total jerks... my last "serious" relationship, the guy turned out to be a pathological liar, and he wasn't even good at it. Most of my boyfriends have just been cheaters.


I hear you, everybody. fishrrshortae, my last BF ditched me before I even realized it. When we were still dating, if he mentioned me at all to people, I was just "a friend." Then later he'd lie and say he "didn't realize" he'd called me that. I really hope his bad karma's started kicking in BIG time.


Anyway - I wouldn't give up. I know it's hard to keep hoping, especially if someone you like just ISN'T responding. Heh, I've got one of those guys right now. We're pretty compatible, but every chance I give him to get to know me, he does absolutely nothing. In fact, he retreats! I'm not wasting my time on him, but it still hurts because it starts feeling like my options are limited.

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Tracy21 when I was in my mid 20's I also got sick of women and took year's to not have a serious relationship and just live and be happy with myself...


I did not miss haveing a serious relationship and I was totally happy and you know what I had more than enough good people come into my life...


Once you take thepressure off of yourself about having to have someone then you relax and live for yourself and have fun and it shows...


Don't worry and also figure out why you pick these people that you do not want or better what you don't like in them and make sure that when you see those things you do not get involved...


Respect yourself first....


Don't worry be happy...

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