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i always feel alone no matter whats going on. the people at school (im 13) are rude and dont understand why i come to school with jeans on even when its 100 degrees outside. its all because my dad abuses me and no one has cared enough about me to ask about it. My ex was completely oblivious to the fact that i was standing right next to him when he was cheating on me and now another guy wants my attention.



but im afraid that if i give him my heart he'll be just like my ex and not care about me and whats going on in my life.


What should i do?

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I understand your situation, and you need to understand that you need to get your home life repaired before you look elsewhere. Go to your guidance councellor and tell them what is going on. You HAVE to do something. I wish I could do it for you, but I don't know you, so you're going to have to make a move yourself. We'll be here for you for support when you need it, it's what we do. Your councellor will know what to do. That's what they're there for. If they aren't around being that it's summer at the moment... call a psychologist or your doctor or someone right away..


If the guy seems like he would respect you, go for it. You might need that emotional support right now.


SwingFox, do you have any suggestions on who she should talk to??


Good luck, be tough and use us to fall back on!



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hey im 14..most kids don't know what the hell they're talking about..it's hard but i've learned to ignore them. i wear jeans in hot weather 2 cuz i'm real pale and have short white legs for one thing you should tell someone about the abuse. be friends with this new guy before you fall for him totally. you don't wanna get hurt again. your ex is a jerk..plan a revenge! hehe or you could just make him jealous by going out with that guy. gossip sucks, i know. but it will get worse. i'm afraid. good luck hope i helped. luv ya

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