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What does he mean by this?

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OK heres my problem. I posted before that this guy i like told me to stop by and see him sometime. Well alright thats good, but then today we talked again. I im'd him this morning and we both were so bored and wanted to do somethin. I told him we should go for a drive somewhere, adn he asked where. I said i didnt kno where and he suggested something, which kinda worked its way outta the convo. Ne ways, i told him i had to leave soon and he said he had to go return something. I aske dif he needed a ride and he said thsat he would feel bad if i came all the way just to give him a ride. I said it didnt matta to me and that i had nothin else to do, but he said that he would just walk cuz he needed the exewrcise lol. So now im very confused. first he tells me to stop by and see him now he says he doesnt need a ride. Is there ne reasion behind this? and should i keep on askin him if he wants to do sumthing with me? Guys, what would this mean if u did it to grl? and also all the grls out there can help to. PLZ PLZ help me, this week is the perfect week for me to do sumthin with him, because my parents are away and i do not have to work either. Thx in advance. Pz - Colleen

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My guess? He probably doesn't want to seem needy. I get that way too. He doesn't want you to think he needs you to do something small. Trust me, that's a good thing in the long run. He didn't want to inconvenience you, which is respectable. Just try to get together for something that you want to do together, not just returning something...


I'd just try again, but don't take it as a sign of not being interested until you know that.




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I have learned not to "read into" what a guy says, usually they just say what they mean...wow what a concept. I wonder why though the two of you talked about doing something then dropped it? Sounds kinda off....I think that next time you talk to him actually ask him to do something, and have a plan. Like... would you like to see a movie with me tomorrow night. Put him right on the spot.

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Hey sweetheart heres my advice....


Men play games, and so do women, so the only way for you not to get hurt in the game is to be confident and back off. If this guy wantS to see you let him call you for a while, let him chase you...he will appreciate you for this later, NE ways...Let him call you mostly, then every once in a while, give him a ring...ya know! But don't act too needy. You have a life and he needs to know that he is not the center of it. Trust me...if he smells desperation..he will be walking on you instead of the road.


Good Luck Be Strong

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