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I like her. But I don't know if she likes me, please help. (long)

Sam _

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A little history. Me and Snow have been friends for almost six years and I started to develop a crush on her in 2004. I told her that I have I crush on her before summer break in 2005. Over the summer break (2005) I started to fall in love with her. Well, she told me that she is in a relationship about a month ago and so I got over the fact that I can't have as any more than a friend now.


Well, this past Monday (the first day of the second semester) I met this girl (I'll call her Kristen). We met at lunch and have been hanging out in school ever since (we can't hang out outside of school because of the bounderies her parents set for her). I think she likes me and I have a crush on her.


Here are the things she does that makes me think she likes me:

*When ever we're talking she's always looking in my eyes and smiling

*When we are hanging out during break, before she leaves, she always goes out of her way to give me a hug (I am the only one she hugs)

*She always smiles when we look at eachother and while we're talking

*She giggles quite a bit when we talk, even though there is nothing funny to giggle or laugh at


But what signals should I watch out for in order to know she has a crush on me?


I really like her and I'm not sure on how to flirt with her and let her know I like her (without actually coming out and say 'I like you')



EDIT: Okay, I'm definantly stupid. I should have searched before posting, I found a couple of threads answering my questions and I found it. I'm sorry for the pointless post. Can a mod please delete this please?

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