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5 invites:Seeking relief from eturnal need

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Craziness. Yeah, ok, well, I've been digging on this dude real bad for eight months now, and all of his friends have said that he digs me as well. And besides that, he's asked me out three times. And I've asked him twice. All of these, 5 times, nothing occoured. There was no date, nothing. And every time I make an advance of some kind, a love letter, something, he runs away. Well, not literally, but, you know what I mean. Anyway, I don't know what my question is, I just need an opinion. He's not going to be in my school this year, so I won't see him again until next September, unless I can geet some guidence. AHHHH!! Help.



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Well, why not try asking him and following through with it? It seems like you two just need to be pushed together and maybe then you could become comfortable with eachother! Just go for it! Don't be shy about anything. Once you get together, he'll probably warm up to it. It sounds like he may have a little nervousness with his crush on ya.


Hope it works!



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So he's shy, and likes you but doesn't dare to take any action. Perhaps he is even more confused than you, having invited you three times and nothing happened. Just take the chance, you have nothing to loose; call him up (go by his house or whatsoever), tell him you now finally do want to have that date, and just set a date immediately!


Otherwise it'll just be like with all those other acquaintances that you meet on the street and you say 'we should have a coffee someday', and it never happens.

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