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Its me again, I posted a message about a Bi guy living the life of a straight man! Well again, im simply on here to vent


As I stated before I seem to be attracted to guys that are straight (or appear straight)! So one of the guys in my frat we always chill together and we get made fun of bcuz we r so close (lol...they say stuff like where is ur boifriend or something) but its all fun and games (however obviously I really am Bi)! Well sometimes I get confused with this guy! We chill and do stuff alone...but never when others are around etc! Ex. today we both came back to school today and so we went out for dinner (he IMed me) then we decided to come back to my place...we watched some TV and then a movie...laying in the same bed directly next to eachother! Now this doesnt make us gay or bi but we would never do this around others! In fact its not the 1st time this has happened!


We often play games and make jokes like calling eachother gay, or fags, or biotchs! LOL and other times we simply joke around and ask eachother for head or something of that nature! again we dont do these things around others! i often feel like he is serious about the oral and i am often serious!


i dont know if he is just close and comfortable with me....as in its all simple games and jokes! or if we really do have feelings for eachother and just dont know how to go about them


i have dated gurls on and off and he has a gurl friend! FACT: his gurlfriend came to me and was like U and him like eachother alot, u guys act more like a couple then we do!


haha i also often get a bit jealous cuz i dont get to spend as much time with him (he spends a lot of time with his gurlfriend)! IDK its so complicated...he just left mayb 5 min ago and we are going do stuff tomorro (i started to just tell him to stay the nite)!


thanx for reading and i would love to hear responses....NITE



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No he doesnt kno that I am bi! LOL...we are in a frat (not exactly the bi or gay scene)! I mean he makes jokes about me all the time...like i said before but kno he doesnt "know" that I am bi!


and wat r u talkn bout blehisword...im single! LOL..i mean i have a few options with gurls right now...but I really do not wanta gurlfriend right now

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It sounds definite that you two have a really close friendship. I don't know of many straight guys who would be so close with another guy in the manner you describe.


As to whether he has the same feelings for you that you do for him, who's to say? Do you give the impression that you are attracted to him, or as flirtatious with him as he seems to be with you? Because if not, maybe he has feelings for you but (like you) isn't sure how to process them or talk with you about them -- which must certainly be frustrating for both parties involved.


And yet it seems like you two have a close enough friendship together that it might not be beyond the realm of possibility to eventually broach the subject with him -- perhaps sometime when you two are hanging out alone you can ask him what his opinion is of all your fraternity brothers joking about the two of you being boyfriends? Seems to me that would be a good lead-in for some sort of discussion, so at least you can try and iron out your confusion. If you guys are dropping these sexual suggestions left and right, and even sharing the same bed together, then I don't feel his attitude towards your bisexuality will be one of hostility or anger. I don't want to get your hopes up, but it might even be a way for him to talk about his confused feelings as well, if it turns out that he has some.

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thanx for the reply! but yeah it always seem easier to plan to talk about these things or act a certain way, but its so hard to actually go through with it because of the fact that so much is at stake (our friendship, how close we are, my image and relationship with my fraternity etc.)! i guess he does throw the sexual comments more than i do...but i just dont know! lol..i dont know perhaps i should wait on this conversation until after the brothers that are seniors graduate? they have a gr8 influence on us both and perhaps after they leave we will both be a bit more open about ur feelings for eachother!


haha i kind of miss my oppurtunities...example yesturday when we were watchng the movie and he said "turn the light out?" i answered "yes" then he said ''wat r u tryn to make out with me''...so i laughed it off and said no (althogh that would have been nice)!

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So today was just another story to add! Again, Im just venting!


The guy that i have been talking about in my post and I went to dinner...however with a few friends! When we ordered they asked me wat i was gettn..he then answered "Buffalo chicken with extra buffalo sauce and cheese fries...with a fruit punch and water"! That is exactly wat I was gettn...i then said he is gettn double cheeseburger with everything extra pickles and cheese fries...with a coke"! The group of friends were like thats crazy! His gurlfriend then said "wat am i gettn?" and he had no clue! Our friends were sayn how close we are and everything...it was pretty funny!


Then as we were walking back he asked me to wait for him outside of the class that we have together on wednesday! Then they were like "u 2 r takn a class together?" and the gurls were like "aww that is so cute" and didnt really explain from there!


then we decided to download Saw II cuz its not on DVD and watch it at my place!

...its 3am here and he just left...he then said let him know if i am doing something tomorro so that he can joine me!


I am so confused with this guy and have been attracted to him for a long time!

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Do either of you watch Porn?


I'd say throw some porn on or say "Dude you gotta see this" and just watch it for a while together. You'll likely get very aroused together and things will lead on from there.. broach the subject of masturbating in the same room.. I don't know.. Just say you really need to and he'll probably agree and do the same. As a Bi guy myself I have done this in the past and it works like a charm with straight guys.



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haha that is quite the plan i must say! Pretty smart idea! I wonder why i havent tried that yet? Well yeah I dont watch porn...but haha i might try that! IDK im kinda nervous to even initiate us watchn porn...it would be even harder for me to mention mastubating together!


i might have to gather the guts to try this! thanx

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