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Why! Guys Input Desperatley Needed!

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(Oh, and by the way, this is a guy i like, not an ex (ive liked him for 1 1.2 years :S ))


Why do guys act so out of character! Why do you think yelling your hot to a random girl will make me jealious of the girl you yelled it to. how will complimenting in a rude fashion anither girl make me realize that you like me (this is some of the adivce i have been given)? In what twisted universe do guys think that making me cry is going to make you appear more macho in my eyes! That justy makes you appear a jerk! Look at my other thread to se what i'm talking about in detail. Why would a guy do those types of things! Especially when i and company (includng his friends) are almsot positive he lieks me . It's hard for me to ask someone out, especially now that he hurt me without even knowing it! GUYS, PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU DO THIS! Tell me why a guy would do anything like this, and what all the possible reasons are. I'm so lost........

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i take it this is your ex bf or a guy you really like, but when i'm out with my friends n they know their exs are in ear shot and yell out to some random girls they're hot (even when they are) n it ain't like em to do that it's mostly cuz they're trying to jealous their exs off n i guess it's a sign of they don't need the ex back or that the ex wouldn't care about it oh yeah btw i don't do that i'm more of the work for my money kinda guy but that's what my friends do in a nut shell

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its simple,some guys rather look good to people around them and risk something just for that.Later they realize how dum it was...most guys think or do things by being compulsive...dont iven think much what they do.Plus other think that they are the center of the world and they think that your not worth hem and u need to work yourself up to me worthy....welcome to the real world.Others dont really give a shi..i were u i dont iven bother...just keep looking,and its funny how things work ageisnt you..if u are so good looking as you say you are then ur in a world of pain sense your atractivnes will atract alot of jackas.ses and it will be hard to tell the players from the honest ones.If he shouted ur hot then keep looking for someone better..couse its only means hes shallow,a guy really intrested in you ould never say such things sense he will not risk making mad or sad.

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Oh, and by the way, this is a guy i like, not an ex (ive liked him for 1 1.2 years :S )


Sorry i was angry when i was typing the main message and some of my thoughts were a little misconstrude. I've edited it now, but he was yelling your hot to another, not to me, and someone told me he was doing this to make me jealious. Evenm his best friend was shocked to hear him say that because hes so shy normally.

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dont worry,just remember one thing,dont let it go trow your head that if most guys u end up with are like that the rest will be that way.Im one who bolives in respect of others and right now im dating someone and im a mess sense im new to it but i have never said anything to her badly or shallow,i actually admire her so much and for me i ould never ever do something bad to her,or cheat on her or anything and she knows it and that is something not many people trust of.Ither way ,like i said ignore that dum guy,bunch of better guys out there who will respect you like the lady you are ^.^ o and i forgot...to most guys...your just peac of meat they wish they could have sex with you..probably

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It's pretty weird behavior, smilelikeyoumeanit - I'm a guy and so naturally I've done a few disrespectful things, but that's not one of them. I can think of three explanations: 1) He is posturing to look cool in front of his friends, 2) He didn't think about what effect his behavior would have on you, 3) He wants you to be OK with his misbehavior so he's just going to do it and see what happens (maybe he's trying to impose a little distance).

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