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Hey everyone!

I need some advice fast! For Christmas, I gave my Friend $50 (ex-fwb, friend of 6-7 yrs). He was so sweet...He said he would take me out to dinner 01/21/06 to reciprocate. I believed him because I have been such an incredibly good friend to him. Two nites ago, he reaffirmed he was going to take me out to dinner 01/21. Last nite 01/21 came and he said he was obligated to go out to an important business dinner, but he would still have a couple drinks with me afterward. I told him to call me when he got back from his meeting. He didn't call. He completely stood me up...went out and got trashed with his buddies. Now, I feel dissed and at a complete loss. Not the loss of money, but the lack of tact and respect! All constructive advice is very needed and very much appreciated. Normally, I would see him on Monday-(tomorrow). Thanks people!

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Queen -

I know that you can see that this sort of behavior is unacceptable;despite who it comes from.


He didn't even provide you with notice prior so you could make other plans, it seems.. If I were in your position, I would let him know that his disrespect did not go unnoticed and it changed your perspective of him, greatly.


No need to yell or scream at him in anger, calm subtle , to the point words will impact him much greater. Let him know this - then move on.

You don't need him in your life it seems, if he's willing to blow you off so easily.


Think of yourself, you don't deserve to be a last resort plan.

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