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Anything I Can Do For Her?

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hi - i was in a similar situation 2 u a few months back - my friend was hooked on drugs and no1 could seem to get through to her that she should stop - even when her best friend died of drug abuse - she took more drugs to get her through the hard time. me and a few of her other friends took her out for the day - no drugs allowed, we showed her how to have a good time again without drugs - we went shopping caught a movie and then grabbed a bite to eat. we showed her how to have fun again, and showed her all the money she was wasting, we didnt let her out of our sight for 3 months straight, and it worked. this doesnt work for everyone but it sure worked for her and maB it could work for u

hope ive helped



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Unfortunately, anyone with an addiction has to decide for themselves that they need help, you can't force them to change.


What you can do:


Intervention - this is extreme - please note that. This is where you get everyone who loves her together and when she comes home one day you sit her down with everyone and you talk to her about how she has a problem and how it is effecting not only her but everyone who lovers her. When she sees how significant it is to everyone else, she might take it to heart.


The options for her, when trying to deal with it is to join a 12 step program like that of AA. Like any addiction, you don't just decide to stop, you have to want to stop and it's a struggle as you have to them face the demons that are the reason you had your addiction in the first place.

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It's a wonderful thing for you to do this for your friend, remember that. Too many people let these things slide as to not ruin a friendship, when in actuality, it can make the friendship worlds better, not to mention saving lives. You are a great person for wanting to stand up to your friend.


Just be there for her. Realize that there IS a lot you can do yourself, but you must not take on too much responsibility. It can be hard. Seek help from professionals, as well as being a friend. It's really important to keep trying, but never to let it destroy YOU.


Another thing to never forget, is that she needs to see the benefits of stopping the drug use before she can really make a change. She has to want to do this, so focus on getting her to realize what it did to her friend, and that you care about her and don't want her to end up the same way. Then, try to get her to care about herself, so SHE doesn't want herself to end up the same way.

It's baby steps sometimes, but you wouldn't be walking right now if you never took those first little steps.


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