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Quick question

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Quick question how do you to infer or discover, to figure out... a new guy your dating? What are the kep things a girl should look out for?


Depending on your experiences is what you should look out for. To get to know someone (which is what I think you're asking) you just have to spend time with the person. Hang out with them and you'll see more sides to them that you did not see before. One thing to look out for (there are many many more) are how he treats other women. If he is a great guy to his female companions, his sisters (if he has any), and his mother then chances are he will treat you well too.


I hope this helps!

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depends on what you like and who you are...Every girl is going to look for different things that they like...you can tell alot about a person by his or her inner beauty as well as outer...

As for me if I see a clean cut guy...well dressed....doesn't have to be expensive clothes but takes care of himself...I can tell he will generally be a well kept guy...Clean...something I like. When I'm dating someone...can I have fun with that person? Does he treat me the way he should? Is he being truthful? lots of different things I look for.

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