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Just wanted to say....

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I only found this website a few days ago. I have been going through a tough time this week having just split up from my partner (thanks to those who replied to my post). Still very much in the early stages of grieving for the relationship, alternating between numb and devastated. I haven't posted much, head being on another planet, but i have been reading the threads, and you seem like such a great group of people, very helpful and supportive with interesting viewpoints and ideas. I'm looking forward to coming back and reading more, and starting to put in a few posts of my own when I feel more up to it. Thankyou.

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After being on here awhile you will soon find people who you can turn to because they know exactly what you're going through. Sometimes you'll even find you prefer certain people's advice. Either way, you will always find someone who can help you here.


I hope you find eNotAlone to be as helpful as it has been for me!

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Greetings new one. I'd like to welcome you as well, I haven't been on here in forever, so I've missed a lot, but I've been coming on more and more frequently lately, so expect to see my bi butt here an there (Not literaly of course) Anways, welcome, and the drinks are one me.



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