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Well right now I'm bored. Anyone have any suggestions to cure bordem? I seemed to be a bored a lot and not much keeps my attention long. The only time I'm not bored is when I'm with my bestfriend, but I haven't seen her in a week because shes at camp and my other friend went off to Disney World.


I don't really have any hobbies except puting new parts in my car which is very expensive at my age. Anyone know a good hobby? I tried reading but it usually just puts me to sleep. Watching tv bores me most of the time.


So what do ya'll do during your spare time?


Cya'll Later.

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it seems to me you're a lucky one. If you have spare time left, try to see that as a great chance to make as much out of it as possible!


as soon as you can see (alone) spare time like a CHANCE, as something positive, you might feel more relaxed about it, and fun things to do will just come to you naturally

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