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Meeting for the first date


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Hello Everyone


I have met a person online who I've been chatting with for a while. We have talked on the phone etc, but have not met in person yet. I have seen a picture of her, she is very attractive, and she seems like a very down to earth person. She wants to meet and I am just looking for any advice from any of you fine people out there as to how I can make things run smoothly. I think it is just the initial meeting that I am nervous about!




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Hi Krushed,



For your first meeting try and meet somewhere that there is action around you but still you are able to talk. Some think going for coffee is a great first meeting however some coffee shops are really quiet and I know I wouldnt want everyone around to hear my conversation. Getting a drink is a great idea, there are people around for background noise or if there is a lull in the conversation people watching always helps.


I hope things work out for you and you have the connection in person as you do online and over the phone.

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I can just imagine how nervous it can be to meet someone you only know through the net. Well...i suggest you meet somewhere like a large coffee shop in a mall or something, like Elektra said. You can start by saying 'hi'. If she is quite shy, then say 'its nice meeting you' etc... then offer to buy coffee. If, she isn't so shy and quite talkative, go with it, and don't try to leave any awkward silences. You have to start allowing her to get to know you. You have to make it as if you are starting a relationship with a new person, not from the internet. So, treat her like a normal person and try your best to get to know her well like a friend rather than some 'random person off internet'. Anyway, good luck. You're very brave doing this. You should be proud!

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I met a guy who i talked to online , i was SOOOO NERVOUS and when i met him he was just as nervous. We went for a drink and it went so well that we hung out the whole night and spent the night together and 4 years later we're still friends

So dont worry i think its exciting meeting someone from the net for the first time.


Hello Everyone


I have met a person online who I've been chatting with for a while. We have talked on the phone etc, but have not met in person yet. I have seen a picture of her, she is very attractive, and she seems like a very down to earth person. She wants to meet and I am just looking for any advice from any of you fine people out there as to how I can make things run smoothly. I think it is just the initial meeting that I am nervous about!




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