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Is this kinda weight gain normal at 17?

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Hey everybody...I just have a little question which is kind of bothering me..

I turned 17 a month ago, and I weighed myself today and was kind of shocked to find out that I've put on about a stone in a matter of about 2 months. I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that maybe I'm just filling out because I'm still growing up, and it's normal. It just seems that I am hungry most of the time no matter how much I eat, but I crave sugary things like chocolate, sweets and cake. I don't LOOK large.. I'm quite slim and have developed quite alot recently- physically (hips and bust) - but still paranoid I guess lol So anyway, my question is if this is normal at my age? Thanks for reading and sorry for the stupid question lol

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Yeah it is normal! I am the same, I weighed 130 when i was 15, and by the time I was 19 I weighed 160, and people didn't believe me when I told them i weighed that much... I still looked thin.... but now I have started working and am back down to 145, and all muscle, I even dropped 2 clothing sizes!! ha you'd never know.. I don't think I look all that different, but I certainly feel different & better!

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You are ok.. try your best to stick to healthier choices when snacking.


Recently read a study that said Women have a greater propensity to crave SWEETS. Due to lowered serotonin levels. How have your moods been? depression? do you notice that you are binge eating the week before your period. My cravings are a week before period... and I'll go for all the sweet stuff.. ice-cream, and anything chocolate.

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