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after splitting up, does finding someone else make it harder?

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Hi all


I havent posted here for a while now, as i've been trying to get along and recover from my ex.


Its been 6 months nearly now since we split, and boy has it flown. This is a good and bad thing, as even though its been six months it doesnt feel it. I guess im kind of healed but not fully, but this begs the question "will i ever be?"


I did the strict no contact as at first my ex contacted me a lot and it messed my head up, i choose to ignore any contact i got from her. This helped me at the time, but now i still think of her a lot and didnt hear from her over xmas or new year (i think cos i ignored her when she tried to contact me before, but i still with held from contacting her)


On to what my title suggests, i have kind of met someone new but been taking things slowly. I guess this is the test as to if you are over your ex, as when im with her i still think of my ex a little. (im confused?! i think)


I dont want to get back with my ex, or have any thoughts like that...i guess its at the point where i have forgotten how much she has hurt me and wish to be her friend. Also today was the first time i have seen my ex since October, not to speak but i went to her city to pick up some documents and by fate she was in her car at the traffic light opposite me - but no wave from either of us just carried on driving.


Thanks for reading, i feel i needed to put something down after all this time.



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do your best to carry on without her. i wouldnt try to contact her because you might go back in your progress. also...if you start communicating with her...it might upset the new person your dating. and you dont want to do that.

i do understand wanting to contact your ex to be friends. but i truly wouldnt do that until you are SURE you are completely over them and dont want any type of relationship with them other than friendship. i would also discuss this with my new partner so that they wouldnt feel insecure and get their input. maybe they wont mind but will have limits on what they can or cant handle. because the last thing you also want is to upset your partner.

that's just my opinion though.

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