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Isn't life weird?

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Killing yourself is not the right way to go! No matter how bad your life is now, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

As far as the girls, I dont understand why they would reject you. Maybe its the girls you choose.

Hang in there and dont worry about finding a g/f. Just do things you enjoy and be happy, and they will come to you.


Hope thus helps you!!


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Hi there, and you sound quite down in the dumps...and beyond. You know I have seen many of your replies and would have thought you had a great head on you. You have insightful, warm and kind advice. I think that 22 is young, I think that you have many years ahead of you to find someone right for you. I have a feeling you could have a girl if you choose any old random one...but I also have a feeling you want more than that. I am 30, quite attractive etc etc...lol and still single. Why? because I will not settle. Sure every once in awhile being alone sends me thinking my life is cruddy...but I cannot help but to think of that beautiful day when the man I loves sweeps me off my feet.

In regards to debt and jobs...welcome to the world of being an adult. I sucks....as you gain experience you will no doubt find a job that you like, you cannot expect to have it all made by 22 or what the hell will you do when your 35?!!

As a closer, to address the headline. If you are thinking this, and feel depressed enough to do something hurtful to yourself, please seek help...call a hotline or talk to someone right away.

I think you have much to offer.

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I sort of know how you feel. Yes I am younger, but I feel like when I ask a girl out, all they want to do is laugh at me.

You know what I say to them? F*** them, they aren't good enough for me anyway.

And you should try looking at it the same way. Instead of wrapping yourself up in your emotional crises, get out there and enjoy life. Have fun at bars and clubs, hell, you might even have some girl come up and ask you out for a change. It's all about patience. When life has you down, just hang in there, and it'll get better. "Once you hit rock bottom, there is no where else to go but up."

I've certainly thought about killing myself, because of a girl, and because of numerous deaths in the family. But If I die, then no one will ever get to hear my story. No one will ever learn from my mistakes. If you kill yourself, who will learn about you? Who will be there to teach your ways? No one. Only you can, so you have to stay here, to tell the world your own version of "Do's and Don'ts."

so what do you think?

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Hi there Turboz. You know, I just logged on to here because finding people who feel the same as me or worse! somehow makes me feel better and with your subject line I figured here was someone who was feeling even worse than I was.


Heh look, I know it's the pits and you're feeling like hell. You're 22 and say you've never had a girlfriend. Well, that's not so weird. A lot of what passes for girlfriend/boyfriend is nothing at all. And you may say, well, I wish I had anything that passed as anything at all. But you can be sure you've automatically been editing out those other possibilities and rightly so. You're no doubt looking for more and just not wanting to settle for less, which is what the vast majority of people do. I didn't have a boyfriend, or what I considered one, till after your age. Yet, when I think about it, there were guys interested in me but to me they didn't even count. So in my mind I'd never had a boyfriend. And I hadn't because I'd never even bothered to take a friendship that far. I had male friends and you probably have female friends. So stop getting so Chicken Little about things! The sky isn't falling.


And don't think I can talk because I'm not there. I am there, probably more so than you. I'm a lot older and I'm in big debt. I work hard at work and get recognition but it just doesn't seem to go anywhere big. It doesn't seem to pan out. And just being dumped recently, though I figure it was for the best, feels like my life is just one big mess. And here I sit with a big work project deadline upon me and I'm crying and moping around doing everything but working on it. Now, is that a mess or is that a mess? So what I'm saying, is, your post was like a mirror to me saying, get a f@*king hold of yourself, kid! And now I'm going to say it to you.


I haven't read your other posts but others say you have a lot to offer. I think you know that and it sounds to me like you're really upset because you're not getting the recogition you think you deserve. Well, the rest of the world isn't out there to give you what you deserve. You've got so much of what a lot of people would die for already.


It's likely that the only thing "wrong" with you is that you're carrying around this big sign screaming, "What's wrong with me?!?!" Do you know how that feels to people, especially girls? Well, it feels like one big downer. It feels like the guy is only focused on himself when the only way you're going to attract people is by focusing on THEM.


You don't have to be up, up, up and coming on like Mr. Go-getter. Relax and be a little down, a little shy, a little insecure, whatever. But cut the "oh my God, what's wrong with me" lament. Nothing's wrong with you but you're whining like an infant.


I went through that stage bigtime when I was your age and then I went to India. I was out in the sticks where there was nothing and people curled up and died in the streets. And this wasn't your homeless, us against them kind of thing, it was just the way life was because there wasn't much to help people. Those people just had it a little worse than the people I stayed with, schoolteachers who were educated and still couldn't feed their kids because the food just wasn't available. When they needed a major operation they had to take a two-day train trip in (and maybe have to sit on the floor the whole way) and then SHARE a bed with someone in the hospital. That's share a bed not a room!


I wanted to whine about all my love woes but there was absolutely no way I could. There was just no comparison and though the people may have been so polite they would have let me even I realized just what a luxury my whinings were. Living there changed my whole perspective on life, but there are times, like now I guess, when I need to be reminded.


I remember asking this teacher there if he would like to visit the States or Europe and he just looked at me like I just didn't have a clue and gently said, "You know, that's like asking me if I'd rather visit the Moon or Mars." I really felt how skewed my perspectives on life were, having only known one perspective.


May I suggest you get out of your world a bit and stop focusing on what you don't have. Think of some of the things you would like to do that you can do right now or with a little planning, and start doing them. Put the girlfriend stuff on the shelf for now since it's bothering you so much and stop banging your head against the wall because you don't have what you want in that department. Start getting a hand on all the other stuff that's out there in life. Believe me, there is SO MUCH MORE than just girlfriends! Get out and experience something in this world. There are people all around this globe. Go out and find them and then you can come back to wherever it is you live and have the same old girls reject you again if you like. I think then you'll find you couldn't care less.


C'mon guy, get a little humor in there, will ya.

Oh, and heh, thanks for the reminder.

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Hey turboz thanks fo being such a bitch on my posts. ima not b gay so the advice i can give u is.... dont commit scuiside, that wont help anything , and if nobody like ya yet then they not worth ur time and those gurls who give u the dont dream about it look r probably spoiled brats, a waste of ur time anyways. you'll find someone , don't worry, all u need is patience... ur pal becky...


ps. 0X

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