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Question for the men.. :-k


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Hello. my boyfriend seems to be under the impression that he has a very small penis. he is my first partner so ive no idea what is big and what isnt. anyway (this bit is a bit crude sorry) there is a hole at the end of his penis (he isnt circumsized) and he said to me that that hole should be bigger than it is and that when we are having sex the end of his penis should come through this hole and be exposed. i have never heard of this before but maybe thats because i am a woman.... i dont know i am confused. could this be a medical problem that this hole isnt bigger? or has he just got it wrong?


apoligies for this question its quite er... whats the word... graphic? i am just wondering this may be a contributing factor as to why he thinks his penis isnt very big?


please tell me if this sort of subject isnt to be discussed on this part of the forum, or at all for that matter.

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As far as I know all subjects on this matter are open to discusion.


So here it goes. I dont totaly understand you but I will give things my best shot.


Ok there is a whole in the end of a penis, which has many names e.g. the eye, one eyed sea monster but its correct name is the "Urethreal Opening". But thid is a tube in the penis which you "cum" out of.


But I think you getting that confused with is his forskin. Yes the head of the penis is meant to come out of the forskin when erect. And if this is not happening, it may be because he has a tight forskin. This can be combated by like when in a bath putting soap under it and stretching the skin slightly.


Do you have any idea on the size of his erect penis?


And size does not matter its how he uses it. Most women are only on average 4.5 inches deep so anymore is going to waste. Also most nerve endings which are what feel the sensations are in the first inch of the vagina. And the clitoris which is arguable the most sensitive area on a woman is not even in the vagina atall. So this means you can satisfy anywoman even with a 1 inch penis aslong as you have the techniques. So why bother worring of he has a small penis or not.


A comprehensive study has shown between all races the average size of a humans penis is 5 inches.

For a African male its 6.3inches

For A white cocasian male its 6.2inches

For Asians (alot smaller)

But generaly the size of a penis in all these people ranges from 5 to 8 inches.


I hope I answered what you wanted but I cant be sure lol

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well thank you for replying. i understand the thing about the foreskin being pulled back during sex but he was under the impression that this hole at the end of his penis should be bigger and that whatever is underneath should come out of the hole.... gawd why am i going out with this guy lol he certainly sounds like a bit of an idiot lol

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The only thing that comes out of the actual hole in the end of the penis (a healthy one). Is urine, "cum" and "pre cum" lol. Nothing more. thats why I think yougetting the matter confused with forskin. Like you might have discused 2 topics and got them mixed up. And the whole in the end of a penis is notmeant to be big it's only around 3/4 of a cm long. And is actualy more of a closed slit than a hole. By the way how old is he?

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he is 17 and sometimes he is a bit of an idiot lol. he is a bit.... whats the word... daft bless him. i still love him though. anyway yes he must have got it all wrong lol i understand it now. i know the foreskin is supposed to do that but my bf was under the impression that the hole which appears when u pull back the foreskin was supposed to pull back over the head of his penis.... now tell me he's not an idiot lol. and it is very weird u should mention that, i said to him last night, it looks a bit like the thing out of alien doesnt it? and he got a bit offended.....dont know why....

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hahahaha o right then. Well to be honest he is a little daft. That he does not know what his own "memorabelia" is meant to do. Well suppose we all got to learn sometimes. I wonder where he got the impretion his penis was meant to do that ??, how strange. Anyhow atleast its all right now, tell him his penis is not meant to turn inside out lol. Also surley he should know, hasn't he ever masturbated?

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right after some research and looking on the internet at a website titled 'link removed' i understand. basically, my boyfriend is uncircumsized and the foreskin doesnt come over the head of his penis when he pulls it back. thereforeeee there is a little hole in his foreskin. dont know if anybody else undestands but im glad i do now... i wonder if this is a medical problem?

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ah ha. i have found the answer, should probably tell my boyfriend this. it is a condition called phimosis where the foreskin wont retract over the penis. apoligies for my stupid attempt at explaining, i must admit i dont know much about penis' as he is my first partner i dont really know what is supposed to happen with them it does say it can affect the sex for both male and female... maybe this is a problem?

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ah ha. i have found the answer, should probably tell my boyfriend this. it is a condition called phimosis where the foreskin wont retract over the penis. apoligies for my stupid attempt at explaining, i must admit i dont know much about penis' as he is my first partner i dont really know what is supposed to happen with them it does say it can affect the sex for both male and female... maybe this is a problem?


Told you it was to do with his forskin not the "eye" of the actual penis lol.

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