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let her call - the right move?


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Hi all,


After not noticing her at work, we hit it off at the work xmas party. I know what you are thinking, but its a small company and I we weren't off our faces drunk.


Been e-mailing A LOT , at least every other day, with pics and the like (she has been on holiday in gran canaria) anyways, now she is back and there has been talk about meeting up, so in my last e-mail i gave her my number and said call me before your tan fades (she suggested meeting before it did)


I don't have her number or I would have called. Have I done the right thing!? I know its the new age and all that, but there are still plenty of girls that want the whole guy going after them scenario right?


I hope I haven't blown my chances. Any thoughts?



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shoot her another email asking for her number, so you could give her a call and set up a date.


im a pretty blunt person.. so that response may be a personality trait. grab the bull by the horns imo.


ie... Hey, soandso, shoot me an email back with your number so i could give you a call to set something up for thursday night after work.


or if its primarily been an email relationship, ask her to meet you at the local pub for a drink some night.

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As win said, send another email asking for her number. Say you were thinking of calling her but realized you foolishly had forgotten to get her number sooner.


It wasn't a mistake to give her your number, you were going to do that eventually anyways. You didn't blow anything.


So when you get the number, call her up and talk to her for awhile. Arrange sometime to meet up. Enjoy where this takes you.

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