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No Calls - is he gone for good or is he missing me!

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brief synopsis:


My boyfirend and I have been going through some differences in the last few months. We had a big fight the week before Xmas.


For Xmas he text message mi saying, "I have your gift here for pick up, just need a time"


what the hell is that?! I didn't reply


later that day I get a call from a weird number (just found out that number was him) I didn't answer the call.


I have since rec'd a few calls form a private call - i guess just to hear my voice!


he sends me another text the day after Xmas (8:28am)...pretending it was Xmas day when he sent it. It read, "Its 15 minutes after 6, r u coming for your gift!


I didn't reply! later on 12/26 he sends me a blank text!


Ok guys maybe you can give me some clarity - but what the heck is this about!


i really do not fell up to speaking to him and i thought he felt the same way....but i am getting mix signals!


To this day, its been a 10 days and I haven't spoken to him - we were together almost nine months!

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I am confused....you had a big fight and are not talking? Or are you broken up?


It seems to me in a relationship when you have a disagreement, you can't just ignore one another. That is no way to solve things, or even to actually decide to end things.


It seems you are angry at him...but it sounds to me like he is trying to make advances to talk to you or communicate with you and you are the one ignoring them...so I am not sure what you expect to happen?


I think he had bought you gift, and still wanted you to have it, you only had a fight right before Christmas, and were not broken up, perhaps he wanted to patch things through?

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Ugh. He is trying to get you to play his games - but do what you are doing and be strong.

Do not cave to it.


If you are broken up, why is he buying you Xmas gifts?


They aren't broken up from what I can tell, she calls him her boyfriend. She says they just had a fight...


Maybe he already had the gift.


We don't really have enough information, sounds to me like he may be trying to open up the communication?

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well we never actually said it was over - i juts implied that it was. since we have been together even after a fight we never let a day go by with out speaking to each other!


so we had that argument and he hung up on me and i didn't call back and i haven't spoken to him since!


i guess he had the gift already!


Well, unless you have said it is over, how does he know it is - you can't just "imply it".


Call him, and give him some closure that it is over and you don't want to speak to him anymore. You can't expect him to read your mind.


If you really want it over that is fine, but let the other person know definitely without question!

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Well, unless you have said it is over, how does he know it is - you can't just "imply it".


Call him, and give him some closure that it is over and you don't want to speak to him anymore. You can't expect him to read your mind.


well it should be common sense...we haven't had the best of relationship - actually it was pretty bad!


I feel like i do not owe him that satisfaction of calling him....he did what he did and like the saying goes, the straw that broke the camels back - i guess i am nit that interested in calling him.....


but i really wanted some insight on is why he just text me to mention the gift and not even a Merry Xmas Happy Holiday, do you think he is through or is he really waiting for me to make the move again (something I always did - 9 out 10 times i was always the one to make amends 1st) - i am pretty sure if he gretted me properly then i would be more receptive and reply to him!


What the heck, I have your gift for pick up need a time........dude this aint Sears!

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