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I realize most things posted here are on boyfriends or girlfriends....ect. But I have a room mate that I suspect has this problem.


Is any one familiar with it, or know of any resourses that I can find to take steps on helping this person?


Most of the stuff on the web is about the diease, and not about how to approach the subject with someone that has it. This is a very serious issue, and I do not want to trigger anything off by mistake.


With those of you who are not familiar, it is about people faking illness or deliberate injury to themselves.



Aura Seeker.

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The disease is like suicide, it's a cry for help.


Your roommate is hurting and is doing it as a way to get the love they don't feel they would get otherwise.


I suggest you talk to someone close to them - parent, guardian, counsellor about your suspicions. Don't venture into that territory (ask questions or imply knowledge) as it can make things worse. There's shame involved to because your roommate will feel ashamed for needing to do such a thing to get love.


These things are complicated and shouldn't be taken lightly. Most of all support your roommate and let them know that you care. Sometimes just having one person say they care is enough to start on the road to recovery. It may take your roommate awhile to understand this and only they can make the decision to get better.

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I can not approach anyone about it. He lived with someone for 12 years, and nobody knows that person. (part of the icolation) The parents are not in the picture, they live in Toronto, and he lives in Calgary.


I think I am the first person to see this pattern in the open. I am sure whoever he lived with for 12 years would have info, but nobody knows him.


From what I read, that is the normal pattern. Not to have people who can put the story together allow to meet.


I really need to find a non threating way to approach it. Here is what has happened in the two months he has lived with me.


Just when he moved in he had surgery for carple tunnel syndrom. Then he cut the top of his finger off at work. Several times to see the doctor. And a chiropractor, he complains of stomach pains and having the flu a few times within two months.


This is what got me worried. I came home and there was a message that he was at the hospital and to come and get him. He had been waiting there for 2 hours. He called two people from accross town to come over and call an ambulance, and when I asked him how come he waited so long instead of just calling the ambulance himself, he said he didin't want them to break the door down. I said you had to let in Joe and Don? Then it didin't appear he was taking the perkecett. Never groggy or tired. Talked on the phone all day to people about his experience. And he waited for two hours in those hard chairs after having to be taken in an ambulance instead of just paying the 6 bucks to get home. I live very close to the hospital.


There's more, but the pattern is emerging here, and I have to tell you I am worried.


How do I approach him on it?



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  • 5 years later...

Hello, my sister has a long history of doing this. Right now she is on disability for dizziness, nausea, etc.. Very vague symptoms that a doctor cannot see or measure. She used to be hospitalized all the time for dangerously low potassium levels and didn't tell the doctors that she was taking massive amounts of laxitives and diuretics. She has seen more than 50 doctors in the last year or two and I can't believe that none of them has picked up on this? There is also many friends and some family members that suspect that she's doing this again. My mother is in complete denial and I am not close to my sister to speak with her. I am desperate to find information on intervention as well.

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