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What do I do?


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i would just move on dude. by saying you go see it and tell me how it is then maybe i'll see it later...doesnt sound like she is interested. if she is, then she will bring it up with you. just dont seem desperate or clingy and move on, if she feels the attraction you will see it.

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* * *???


Ok well I didn't end up going to the movie by myself because my car stuffed up and needs to be fixed.


She asked me if I went and I told her no because my car stuffed up.

"That's no good, oh well we'll have to go see it after Xmas"

what the hell?


She also asked if I'm up for drinks on Friday during our 50 minute phone call at work!

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Hey mrwrong!!


Well, this is a tough situation... I'd do whatever feels right...there are not "rules", not "right" ways to respond and that will guarantee a certain outcome.


She is definitely interested in being a friend.

I think you should try this and leave it at that. Let her make the moves...she hasn't pulled any moves on you yet - drinks, a movie, just friendly things IMO.


Don't come to expect anything - see her as a friend and leave it at that. You can never have enough friends.

Hopefully she will give you some clearer signs in the future if she is interested.


Go for drinks and go for the movie. You are just friends so it isn't a problem to organise these things yourself even though she asked.

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