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Borderline Personality Disorder

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I believe I have BPD, I am going to go to a therapist as soon as all my other medical problems are fixed but until then I feel like I am going crazy. I pop xanax, vocidin and valum like they are candy just to try and make myself normal. I can't help but snap and feel hopeless. Has anybody ever over come this? DOes anybody have any advice? Anybody else have BPD?

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Weezy, heh, wow, sounds like you are having a tough time, to say the least. I don't know anything about BPD, isn't that bipolar, not borderline? I mean borderline is not a disorder, it is just a description of a personality and could be any sort of disorder. I think you may be talking about bipolar. Anyhow, as far as all the popping pills goes...how do you expect to feel normal if you keep screwing with your chemistry? Stop worrying about feeling "normal." Just feel like you can cope. That's a good thing to aim for when things are really rough. Eat healthful food. Try to exercise. I know it sounds lame but it all affects your body. Your body and mind are one. If one is healthy, the other follows and vice versa. But, if you do have bipolar, medicine will help. Are you seeing someone about this? a doctor? Please try to get help. Hang in there!

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Yep.. don't mess with medication and mix them. Not a good thing. Get a diagnosis from a doctor first.


In the mean time. Go back to the basics. Nutrients and Vitamins. Make sure you are eating. Drinking plenty of water. Stay away from excess sugar and lay off the caffeine.


Get plenty of rest. Go to bed early. If you have trouble sleeping, try chamomile tea..and reading a book. Wind down.


Excersise... yeah, its winter.. and we are all slugs this time of year. Get those warm clothes on and take a quick walk.


Nurture your soul... listen to some new uplifting music.


Get yourself a hobby.. someting to keep your hands busy and attention. Pick up a pencil and draw. OR.. here's one you haven't done since you were a kid.. it works for me... Coloring books and crayons. YEP... whens the last time you colored. Sounds silly.. but it really is uplifting to do.


And make an appointment with a doctor. Don't wait. Sometimes emotional disorders manifest themselves into physical problems.


Ever hear the saying.. STRESS KILLs. Well.. it works on your body and when your body gets sick.. its telling you.. "HEY.. YO... CUT IT OUT.. I've had about all I can take here... STOP what you are doing.. HELLO."


So..listen to your body signals. And go get properly diagnosed and quit self medicating.

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Really, Pip? I didn't think borderline was something treatable. I thought it was a term to define someone who has any number or combination of illnesses. I stand corrected. Then again, what would be the acronym for bipolar disorder? Yes, I googled it now and see this is a whole new thing...hmmm...thanks for clueing me in.

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