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Angry father out from my journal

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Wow, you sound just like my sister. The only difference in your story is that the dad is only 44 and he's a workaholic. I think because he makes the money he should be able to spend it but some things are just not necessary...3 computers, 3pdas (one that got pawned by my step brother lol) and miscellaneaus junk he never uses or never figures out how to use. Fortunately I am his youngest and I don't feel the wrath quite as good as my older sister. She has decided to go into the AirForce and is leaving for boot camp in early January.


Ofcourse in my own story of achieving more than my parents is just the fact that even though I practically failed out (kinda on purpose) I did a semester of college, waited until a long term b/f before I had sex, and I don't have a kid on the way which at my age my mom had already had my older sister. Although I have done atleast that much, I still can't say too much about myself either, I am better than them, but I am not as good as I could be.


Sry I don't think this had alot of help or w/e, but it was good to vent my own piece thanx and good luck in the force.

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