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advice needed asap

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Hmm only $15 to your name? Well, unless dating isn't allowed by your folks I'd ask them (mainly dad) for a few extra bucks. He'll understand and will probably be proud that his soon is going out on a date.


If that doesn't work then I guess maybe a movie (if ticket prices aren't too high in AZ) or if that doesn't work maybe ice skating, bowling, putt-putt golf? Those last options are probably better than a movie since you both will actually have to chat with one another.

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Don't ask her. Find out when she is not busy. Then call her up and just tell her that I am picking you up at 6 PM and we are going somewhere fun. Women like it when you take control and make it a surprise. Bring her a single flower to give her at the door. Pick it from a friend’s garden if you don’t have the money to buy one.

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Your best first date would be Starbucks. Plain and simple, but gives you time to talk to her, ask her lots of questions about herself, and get to know her. The whole point of a first date is to find out if she is the kind of woman you want to get to know better. You should walk away from the date knowing a LOT more about her than she does about you.


Don't ask her. Find out when she is not busy. Then call her up and just tell her that I am picking you up at 6 PM and we are going somewhere fun.

You contradict yourself here. If you don't ask her when she is busy ... how can you know?


Besides, you are not building any anticipation with her. You should already have her phone number. Use it, call her once, and ask her on a date. Let her know you would like to go get a coffee on a WEEKDAY afternoon/evening. Example:


"Hey, this is Charles. You seem pretty cool and I'd like to get to know you better. So, how would you like to go on a date with me?" [Any yes is good, any excuse is a FLAT NO.] Then tell her "That's great. Let's go to Starbucks this Wednesday at 7:00. I'll meet you there." Be sure she knows WHICH Starbucks, of course, there are so many! lol


If she comes up with any excuse, other than to change the actual day or time of the date, she is not interested. Be polite, thank her, hang up and toss her number.


Women like it when you take control and make it a surprise.

Yes. So ask them on a date.


Bring her a single flower to give her at the door. Pick it from a friend's garden if you don't have the money to buy one.

No. Bad idea.


This is a date to get to know her, not buy or gift her into submission. Bring nothing but yourself, dressed nicely. You will buy her ONE coffee and maybe two if the date is going extremely well.


The point is not to give her a date with your wallet, or show her how much crap you can give her, but that you are a real man and that SHE needs to meet YOUR standards for a woman in order for you to make any more moves on her. You want to date a woman who is interested in you, not your wallet.


Take notice of how much work she puts into the first date. Is she dressed to the nines? She likes you. Does she come in sweatpants? She's just there for the coffee.

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