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What should i do????

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See there is this guy lucas and about 2 years ago him and i had our little fling i really loved him and he really loved me, the only problem is his best friend really liked me and i liked him lucas wasnt the reliable type and it was getting to complicated so him and i broke up and i went out with his best friend for 9 months..during those 9 months lucas and i had our ups and downs.he still told me he loved me and i still really loved him..then he started getting annoying and we stopped talking..now its been 6 months without a boyfriend but lucas and i are spending alot of time together i reaaalllyy am starting to like him alot again. Ive told him and everything but he just sees us as good friends..hes going through alot right now with his parents divorce and so i kind of gave up but everytime i see him i cant help but love him all over again but i kno he loves me but i dont know what to do or say at this point. I want him to see me as more than a friend but i unno what to say or do?

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I think that at a time like this he needs a really good friend. Try and be that good friend to him, listen to what he needs and help him as much as you can.


Try and put what you want away for the moment. If he's having a hard time the best thing you can do is help him out and be a good friend to him.


I think you should just try and be friends with him, it sounds like you two really like each other and friendship is something very special.

If anything more is going to develop it will. You won't (and shouldn't) have to force it.

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I agree with the first post. SOunds like Lucas just needs a friend . Once the waters are calm then you can try to sail the ship, just remember don't be surprized if Lucas, great as he may be goes back to his usual demenor. I think it's great that you two have managed a frinedship post break up, that can be a challenge. You still clearly have fealings for Lucas, and it sounds like he is having a rough go with his parents divorce. Right now frinedship may be the best option try it for a while then after things have cleard up and Lucas has adapted to his parents no longer being together then go for the relationshiop if those are your wishes. Also, use this as a helping tools the emotions and feeling Lucas experiences in the next while with the divorce will show you what he is like during a stressfull time so try not to let that distract you either.


Take care and remember that sometimes the only ships worth sailing in life are friendShips.

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