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Everything posted by Nadelz

  1. so ya i havent been with my ex boyfriend for about 9 months now..during these 9 months i have tried going out with other people and dating but the thing is i always have and always will have a love so strong for him maybe because he was my 1st true love..i admit i still really do like him and i think about him alot..i guess i never really had closure from him because when we broke up he never told me to forget abotu him or what we could possibly have in the future..now 9 months after he finally tells me to get over my feeligns for him and let things be..he still wants to be my friend but since he knows i still like him he doesnt want me to expect anything other than a friendship..he basically shut down any of my chances to be together with him right now, he says he loves the single life and that some times he wishes he had a gf..but in other words not me...he said plain out i dont have anymore feelings for you anymore..but im really so confused i cant just move on ive tried and i kno i really love him i cant let go ive tried for 9 months now and everytime i go through relationships in my life my mind always goes back to him..its soo bad...and then on top of that he expects me to forget him..i wanted to forget him but i guess i forgot to..and i unno what to do now..like he even said that i have to learn not to be jelous..thats probably a turn off for a guy..but i cant help it..like i want this soo bad but i dunno what to do
  2. ive been thinking about my ex alot l8ly. I havent been with him for 6 months now but obviously i still have strong feelings for him and i dont know what to do. everytime i talk to him h always brings up stuff that happened in our relationship before and he always says we will get together but never pursues anything what should i do to get his attention or what should i do in general?
  3. whats your favorite saying about love or breaking up? ones that come from the heart
  4. See there is this guy lucas and about 2 years ago him and i had our little fling i really loved him and he really loved me, the only problem is his best friend really liked me and i liked him lucas wasnt the reliable type and it was getting to complicated so him and i broke up and i went out with his best friend for 9 months..during those 9 months lucas and i had our ups and downs.he still told me he loved me and i still really loved him..then he started getting annoying and we stopped talking..now its been 6 months without a boyfriend but lucas and i are spending alot of time together i reaaalllyy am starting to like him alot again. Ive told him and everything but he just sees us as good friends..hes going through alot right now with his parents divorce and so i kind of gave up but everytime i see him i cant help but love him all over again but i kno he loves me but i dont know what to do or say at this point. I want him to see me as more than a friend but i unno what to say or do?
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