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Once upon a time a long time ago i had a girl that really cared about me. like a dumb fool i didn't know what to with someone who cared so deeply for me. so instead of doing everything right by her i did everything wrong by her. not on purpose of course. i just didn't realize a good thing when i had it. now things are all screwed up. i want my girl back, but it probably isn't gonna happen. anybody else a fool like me?

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I've felt like this before, very recently actually.


Try not to do it to yourself, it doesn't solve anything and it only makes you feel worse.


After a break up you tend to only see the good things your ex did while you two were together. In reality she did do somethings that didn't make you to happy.

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I felt exactly like you do right now when my ex left me. She blamed everything that went wrong in the relationship on me and I let her. I felt I'd taken her for granted and made lots of mistakes. Truth is, I wasn't perfect and neither was she. In fact, if anyone took someone for granted it was her taking me for granted. I did so much for her and she just through it back in my face. You'll begin to see, once the emotions aren't so intense that she's not nearly as good as you think she is right now, and you aren't NEARLY as bad a person as she's made you feel you are.

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actually.......it does seem like guys take a lot for granted. i have gone through times where i felt like i have been so good to the guy and you receive nothing for it. they take you for granted, they dont want what they have, they dont appreciate it, they step all over you treating you like a doormat at their beck and call........and then, when you get sick of it and you get tired and fed up..........you leave. because sometimes enough is enough, it's not worth it to be so good to a person and to get nothing back for your needs.......when you feel like the person doesnt like you, doesnt care about you, will hurt you, and doesnt value and appreciate you.


as a girl you get tired of fighting for love and you go seek out a guy that will just GIVE you everything you want without you ever having to lift out a finger. ahhh yes.......i love those kind of guys. i want one of them.


but by treating the guy well i mean stuff like......calling them, being there for them, offering to cook for them, writing them little notes, buying them little presents, driving over to see them, making time in your schedule and life for them, being affectionate and loving, asking them questions about themselves, being interested in them, asking them how they are feeling, making sure to be there for them.........


and what have i gotten? i have gotten pushed away.....i have been found annoying and i have been taken for granted.


this is the stuff that leads girls to either cheat or leave the guy permanently.


you cant blame the girl for leaving because enough is enough and she can get better. sometimes men have to face up to what they have done wrong and just swallow it because they did it to themselves.

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No, SOME guys take things for granted. "Guys" are not ALL the same, why don't women understand that? That would be like me saying all women are lying * * * * *es because that's the way my ex was. It's not true and it really pisses me off when women do that. Maybe that's why some women can't find a good guy as they only seek out the guys that meet their low expectations.

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that's not true. if you constantly give and give and give and you dont get back.....would you be happy? it's about reciprocation. i give but i also expect to be given too. im not sitting here looking for an empty bucket with a hole to pour my affections into.


it's about give and take. it's about return and send. they go hand in hand. show me a person who doesnt understand this simple concept and i'll show you a person who's never had a successful relationship.

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the key to a good relationship is to be aware of whats really going on. if it's the real deal or if your just being made a fool. now i'm confused cuz i've lost what i had, maybe for good maybe not. but i'm not turning in the towel just yet. i'm going for something i believe in my gut is good.

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