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Ex being random/weird..

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Hey everyone! Ok, I have not posted in a while. But.. anyway, here's the story.. okay, my ex and I have not really spoken in a year and a half, I'd say. Though we do go to school together, we both pretend the other isn't there. So naturally I was surprised to find out earlier this week when I got a friend request from him on link removed. I was kinda confused. Then, the next day in class he seemed to sortof be trying to talk to me. Not directly, but he kept coming up to where I was and talking to the people around me, and he commented on my cell phone ring (I know he normally would not have done that..), then when he left he said bye everyone and looked directly at me. Ok, I didn't respond because, 1) I was on the phone when he was saying goodbye, 2) When you don't speak to someone in so long, you don't even know for certain if they are trying to talk to you or not. So, I added him back on myspace, and I sent him a messege asking who it was? (I knew who it was, but I kinda just wanted to see what he'd say). Get this, not only does he defriend me after I added him back, he also BLOCKED me! I have no idea why. Its so odd. I kindof want to know what that was all about. My friends say I should just ask him, but its kindof hard, given that hes always around his friends when I see him and I don't feel comfortable coming up to him like that... in a way I feel he isn't even worth that much of my effort.. I'm totally over him anyway and have been dating, I'm more curious than anything really, is all it is. Eh, maybe I should just go on ignoring him LOL. Any thoughts?

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how old are you? im assuming you're young...but if this is your ex and you havnt spoken to him in so long im wondering how young you are lol. doesnt matter much but just helps the general idea. anyways...it does seem odd. but honestly why do you care? i mean obviously you've been doing well at nc for so long. at this point you should be pretty much over him. just give yourself the whatever attitude for now. honestly it does seem like strange behavior, however, it wasnt strong enough for you to make any real conclusions. honestly its the curse of being a girl--we overanalyse every single lil thing a guy does/says. dont stress it to much, unless he shows you any more strange signs i would say leave it alone. obviously, he made a much stronger statement blocking you then being in the same airspace as you considering you guys are in the same school. i dont understand...i mean do you guys have classes together? in any case right now its wayy to early to make any conclusions.

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Its a weird situation. I'm pretty old, in my senior year of college. He took to ignoring me so I started doing it to him as well, plus I found it easier to cope with than trying to be friends because at the time, it was too difficult to try and be friendly with someone who was hurting me at the same time. I told him this the last time we talked.


I took note of it because this is the first time hes ever even tried to talk to me or anything for like.. a long time.. and we see each other, a lot. I guess its not all that important. I am pretty well over him, I'm just curious. I wouldnt necessarily be against talking to him, I just wish I knew what was going on inside his head. I find it funny that he went so far out of his way to block me.. when I didnt do anything to warrant that (like i said he added me in the first place, not me..). To me it just shows he cares far more than I do, cause I am just sitting back and watching/letting things happen. To me it takes extra effort to sortof go out of your way and block someone, or in this case talk to them too..

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