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Im really confused :(

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Aww cheer up!! Being 13 is hard, and it's gonna get tougher, believe me!! Sorry bout that.

Ok...little insight into the world of guys...they are very annoying with their signals, one minute they like you a lot, one minute they don't. They sometimes flirt around for "fun" as they would say, and they don't really feel anything towards you at all, and sometimes they flirt with you and then give you the silent treatment to see how you react.

It sounds to me like he's the latter, he's seeing how you react to his flirtatious behaviour, and then how you react to him stopping it completely, cutting you off. If you act mortified, he's obviously gonna know you fancy him, then he'll either act upon that or run away coz he's got what he wanted...your attraction.

My advice is, play it cool. I know that you want things to make sense, and that you just want it to happen and stop all the messing around, but you gotta play it cool or it aint gonna work.

If he's staring at you, stare back for about...ooo...3 seconds, then look away with a flick of your hair, then back very quickly. If he asks for a pencil, look him in the eye and look as if you're deciding whether to give him one, then smile, look down and give him one.

Its all up to you, good luck!!

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Well, he's ignoring you because he doesn't believe your into him ya gotta show the guy some SIGNS!! He doesn't talk to you when his friends are there because he is afraid of being embarrassed if he screws up what he's saying or something...maybe his friends might think what he says is lame who knows lol, but the point of that is he doesn't wanna be embarrassed.


I'd go with what maynard's said about what ta do "If he's staring at you, etc"

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ok so who cares what he does online. When I hang on my computer I'm always doing something pretty important and I really don't chat too often with anyone, no matter who might be online. When I'm on computer = working. When I'm working = no chat. Maybe he's got something going on and can't talk.


Why don't you try talking him in person? If he still is super quiet and dodgy, I'd start to worry. What comes to some girl trying to burn him with that kind of questions, if he's shy type he might be like "oh man was I so obvious??" and now he thinks everyone knows and laughs at him or something.. or his silence might have nothing to do with the girl asking him.


But talk to him in person if you can.

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