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oh god i feel really really stupid right now

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Ok, so I was pretty much over my ex and realized that I don't want to be with him anymore. I havn't had any contact with him and the last time we saw each other was amiable...I acted normal and natural and he had no indcations whatsoever that I was obsessed, crazy, desperate or pathetic. I like the fact when we walked away from each other, he thought I was happy, normal and getting on with my life.


Then I catch a virus on my computer, where it makes me send an IM with a link to a virus to everyone on my buddy list. Well...a few months ago he had an IM chaos link where if you clicked it you saw everyone else who clicked it and I copied everyone onto my buddy list that clicked his link. He didn't know this. Anyway, it sent it to ALL the people who were online...including the people from his link.


Now I feel soooo stpuid. Ican't even lie, because my first name is in my screen name. What am I going to do? I feel stupid. Like I don't want to see him or care about what is going on in his life anymore, but I'm scared one of the people is going to tell him or something and he's going to think I'm crazy and obsessed and pathetic.


I don't want him to think I'm pathetic and desperate anymore. I was, but I'm not anymore. God I feel so ridiculous right now. I'm scared he's going to IM or email me one day and be like "why did you IM my new Girlfriend"-- I don't even know if he has a new girlfriend and I don't want to knwo. I just want him gone and I want to have ended it like we did before. I don't want him to think I'm crazy and pathetic. I want him to at least think I'm getting along fine without him. I had this dream he was sending me IM's about this new girlfriend who was blond with green eyes. God why did I do this to myself. I feel so stupid.

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I don't want him to think I'm pathetic and desperate anymore


Are you pathetic and desperate still, then?

If you are not, why do you care what he thinks?

If you are, why do you feel stupid for the truth?


It's not easy to get over someone, not anyone. So if someone thinks you're pathetic and desperate because of this, he is stupid.



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no i'm not pathetic and desperate. i don't know why i care. i guess for somet stupid reason i just want him to know that i'm fine without him, not stalking him. i used to sort of stalk him online,b ut i've moved on and i dont' want him to have the satisfaction of thinking i'm hung up on him....i'm not. he's just mean. he said mean stuff about me and called me crazy and unattractive (well what does that say about him if he was with me for over a year). and i'm scared he's gonna like tell me he has a gf or something. yeah i'm gettign over it, but i'm not COMPLETELY over him yet...i don't know if he has a new girl yet and I really don't want to know i jsut want him out of my head. let this serve as a warning,. people. don't put random people on your buddy list on AIM and don't click on any stupid link!

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