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STOP ME analyzing everyting!!


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Hi all,

Here is my problem, i bloody analyze everythings, especially other peoples relationship!! i cant stop.. it is irritating, it is distroying myrelationsihip. I want to stop but i am having problems where to start... it is like filling too much head space... !!!


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Hi all,

Here is my problem, i bloody analyze everythings, especially other peoples relationship!! i cant stop.. it is irritating, it is distroying myrelationsihip. I want to stop but i am having problems where to start... it is like filling too much head space... !!!



Choose a career in Psychology.


Seriously, there probably isn't a way you can change your perception of the world. My only advice on this would be to try to occupy your mind with different topics to analyze- like how you could improve your life, etc. Try to take the focus off others and place it on you.


And you don't always have to say what you're thinking, either. If over-analyzing is ruining your relationship, try to edit at least some of what you say to your partner.


If you always tend to ananlyze your partner's actions in a negative way, then you may have some insecurities inside.



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y do i hear that all the time about doing psychology!!!


Seriously i think this is a serious problem that i have to solve. i sometime catch myself analysing things like y cement is cured and the ratios and y the strenght of concrete is strong on certain mix. I then try to work out y the decided to mi it that way, about the load factor that the road will encounter and that the concrete should or should not handle the load.....

I mean it is really sick.


I even sat down and calculated the smoke stack are built that way, the hiight and yso little steam come out from them, the way they cool the strram thru piped watter.



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Seriously i think this is a serious problem that i have to solve. i sometime catch myself analysing things like y cement is cured and the ratios and y the strenght of concrete is strong on certain mix. I then try to work out y the decided to mi it that way, about the load factor that the road will encounter and that the concrete should or should not handle the load.....


You have a very hungry mind.


Ok here's some questions:


*Do you ever do anything to relax?


*Do you have trouble sleeping at night because you're awake thinking?


*If you're trying to focus on something, i.e. TV, a book, are you distracted by your thoughts?


*Do you have one-sided conversations with people? For example: do you do all the talking or interrupt people when they're talking, in order to tell them what you're thinking?




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hey skippy,


I know exactly what you're talking about.


when i was little a always used to stare at the walls, ceilings, the sky and at pictures. I also used to be afraid of music. My family thought i was crazy or something, but as i got older i began to draw and paint and compose songs on the piano. When I was little my mind was gathering information to put onto paper and now im a cartoonist and a piano major in college.


You may have a hidden ability/gift that you're just not aware of yet. just be yourself and don't feel strange about the things you do or think of

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Hi all,

Here is my problem, i bloody analyze everythings, especially other peoples relationship!! i cant stop.. it is irritating, it is distroying myrelationsihip. I want to stop but i am having problems where to start... it is like filling too much head space... !!!



exactely the same problem as me and I really want to be a psycologist but really cant be arsed to do 7 years of university lol.

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wow..yeah i have the same problem...I overthink things wayyy too much. Its gotten to the point where i cant even watch a movie w/o thinking of the behind the scene special effects or the overall plot of the story. Its even gotten to the point where I have trouble sleeping at night..I find myself awake at early hrs. just writing poetry, scripts, short stories, painting, drawing...Its like my mind is constantly analyzing things, situations, places, details....and i cant control it somtimes, it gets on my family's nerves alot...Know one in my family has this prob. but me??? hmmm...

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