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Lately I have been feeling extremely insecure and dependant on my relationship. Everything is going great, but I am constantly thinking about how much my boyfriend is a part of my life, and how hard it will be for me to get over him if we break up. I have no reason to believe we will break up anytime soon, but I still cannot stop thinking about the sadness that I am going to endure.


My friend went through this at the same point in her relationship, and has told me that it does get easier. That you will go back to feeling comfortable again, it's just coming to terms with loving someone so much.


She sent me this quote, and I thought it was interesting.


'Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, it

doesn't mean they don't love you with all that they have.'

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Awww, I do know how u feel, and its hard. Talk to your man, tell him your worries, hopes, fears, Im sure he'll reassure u that he loves u. We all have insecurities in life and relationships, but try and enjoy it, cherish it. In time this will get better, talk to him.


Hope it all works out.

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