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I need advice!!!FAST!!!!!!!

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Ok, well tomorrow I have to see this guy that I have been posting about on here for awhile, and I don't know what I should do. The jist is that I have liked him off and on forever we have never dated and I kinda had started to give up on the idea of us getting together. Then, I figure out that he had been talking to me under anonymous names over yahoo for quite some time, trying to get to know me. When we are around each other he acts like he likes me but the simple fact is I am insecure about myself and he is older and I guess you could say cooler. He is not very popular and I am not very not popular either. We just hang out with different crowds. Well, he will tell me on the internet all of his feelings as long as he is under an anonymous name and he will hint about the things I talked about to these "names" when I am around him. I talk to the names because I get bored and I have nothing else to do sometimes really late. They just talk to me out of the blue, oh well...this guy acts very jealous of me liking other guys and stares at me constantly, giving me loads of attention whenever he can. But whenever his friends are around it is a different story and I am afraid to say anything to him because of that fact and he won't say anything to me about it. Are guys shy like that? Or does it just show that he will never tell me how he feels?


This has been driving me crazy for quite some time now and all I do is think about him. I have not been able to sleep, eat, I get on my friend's nerves, I never feel like doing anything. I just want to set at home and talk to him over the net under the names. I can't help myself I tried to stop talking to everyone but then I feel like he is giving me attention at least and I like that. Well, I tried to hate him for it and I just feel like it is pointless for me to like him anymore, but I can't stop it. I know that he must like me and it really bugs me that I can't talk to him and I wonder about what I should do because he isn't talking to me. Should I blow it off tomorrow? or Should I get up the courage to talk to him about it? He has asked me before if I had anything to tell him...I kinda think he wants me to pursure him. He has always been pursued in his other relationships. On the other hand I know that he will more than likely want a relationship with me and I don't know if I am mature enough to handle that kinda of committment. I don't want to ruin it though by not following the singals he is giving me. I don't know what to do I'm just so confused right now! I could be blowing this out of proportion but I don't know anything because he won't talk to me. I know he is a shy guy but honestly should I take that as a hint nothing will ever happen? well, I see him tomorrow so if I get some good advice I might go with it, just tell me the honest truth. Thanx!

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well.. Using all the different screen names is kinda dumb... I woulldnt do something like that.. if he wanted to know all of this stuff about you. he would done it in person. or with his own screen name.... I mean if you like him... and you enjoy talking with him all of the time.. Then you might want to give him a chance.... But if you feel that it wouldnt last, and you would end up breaking up with him.. then let it be with him using the different screen names.. and then just start hinting to them that you dont like him anymore.. and so on... Well I hope this helps you

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