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Ouch! Will this be OK?

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Hi! I suffered a cycling accident yesterday which involved steel contacting the underwear area... It hurt like nothing I've ever felt before, but seemed ok. In the shower I took a better look, it seems that I have about 1/2 a square inch of skin missing from the underside of my scrotum, but everything else still seems fine. Its since scabbed over, so I assume there's nothing to worry about?


Just want some piece of mind! Cheers all (ow!)

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I'm an Emergency Medical Technician (okay so that's not quite a doctor) but you'll be fine. Just keep it clean, make sure it doesn't get infected. As long as you're not experiencing any swelling I'd say you don't even need to go into a doctor, but like registered said, if it'll give you peace of mind... go in.

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Oooh...that would hurt!


As others said, unless there is any swelling, or extreme pain in next couple days, just make sure to keep the area clean to prevent any infections.


I did not have much to add other then express sympathy - crashing sucks, and I am glad other then that you are okay!



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I agree, and hope it doesn't put you off cycling.


However, if you do have any problems or suspect an infection - contact your doctor.


Likely not, I know he rides a lot and likes it. And does not drive so has little other choice right now!


I have had a couple concussions, cracked ribs, road rash, tree bark rash, chipped bones (no "broken" bones yet fortunately though I know many whom have doing same thing so...!) , quite a lot considering I think of myself as too chicken to try some stuff, and I have not been put off yet, part of the fun and the experience of it

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Likely not, I know he rides a lot and likes it. And does not drive so has little other choice right now!


Your right there on all points RayKay! You lady cyclists - so lucky


No it won't stop me, I've been hurt doing it before and I enjoy it too much to stop! Nothing broken (on me) yet, touch wood! Thank you all for your support!

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Your right there on all points RayKay! You lady cyclists - so lucky


No it won't stop me, I've been hurt doing it before and I enjoy it too much to stop! Nothing broken (on me) yet, touch wood! Thank you all for your support!


Good to hear, what I suspected Hard to break that bug once you have it....


Hope you are healing well!

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