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What do i do, im going crazy

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ok, ill start from the beginning...

there is this guy at my work that im completely in love with, he's just so amazing in everyway, everytime he's working he makes me feel SO good.

the only problem is, he has a girlfriend.

when he first started he was single, and im very sure he used to "like" me but i was seeing this other guy at the time. Now its over between me and my ex (only because i chose to be with this guy) but on the day i was about to tell him, he tells me he has a new girlfriend... and so i was unable to say anything. this was a year ago now, and ever since all i'v wanted is this man. its weird though, because we never talk about his GF and it's like we still have our flirty relationship as always... and i dnt know how to describe it but i feel like he treates me special im comparason to the others at work.

All the signs that he actually does like me are there... but he still has his GF (he's never introduced me to her either) it's as if he doesnt want to talk about her, im SO confussed because i really like this guy but am unsure as to what i should do

please give me some advise...

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honestly its been a year. i think its imperative that you get your feelings out there. i mean at least if you do you can either start something or realize its time to move on because right now you have hope and hope is the worst thing (yes i know thtas totally weird but i think you get what i mean). you dont have to be completely direct yet. you could flirt with him BIG TIME and see if he reciprocates. if he does then you have good reason to ask him seriously how he feels about you. you could even be like "you know i used to like you alot" and see hwat he says. try and ease into some type of conversation because i think its been way to long to just be totally in love with this guy.

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but i do flirt HARD out with him and he reciprocates... thats wot is confussing... hmMMm... i think ill say that "i used to like u" thing... see how he reacts... but im scared... im scared that if he knws i like him, he might not like me back... and then wotever friendship we have will be ruined...

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Sorry Giggles...but I have to say he's OFF the market and your window of opportunity is closed for now. How would you like it if you were his g/f and some girl at work was making a play for him? Get my drift? If he's interested he would have let you know. Maybe he's just flirtatious...I'm like that!! It doesn't mean I want to date everyone I flirt with. It is simply fun. Best to keep your intentions to yourself. Even if he DOES say he likes you....he is STILL taken. Respect that..and respect yourself.

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yeah maybe ur right...

as much as i dnt want to admit it...

but its just that with refference to his GF... all his mates hate her, iv heard SO many bad things about her, she's using him... and treates him really badly... its jst SO annoying... coz he deserves better... and i dnt knw, i feel my whole situation is sad

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Aw chick, I think to save yourself anymore heartache you need to speak up and tell him exactly how you feel. Either talk to him in person, or as I prefer to do, write everything down in an e-mail or letter, that way you don't forget anything and send it to him. That way you have done everything, and he then needs to decide what he wants. All you can do is tell him, I mean it's been a year!



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He's unavailable. This is no different than when a guy on here says he likes a girl who has a boyfriend. He is unavailable and you should respect that and move on. I know it's not easy but it seriously needs to be done. If you cannot get over it and must tell him then do it, but it is never a good idea to mess with someone who is unavailable. What did this other girl ever do to you for you to wreck her love life?

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